Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

Why? Do MM hunters in raids do it without a tank? How is solo with a pet tanking different from grouping with a player tanking?
Why is it a crutch/failsafe for MM hunters soloing with their pet tanking and not MM hunters in a group with a tank??
So are BM and SV hunters using and needing their pets using a ‘failsafe’ too?


I too am primarily a solo player and usually spent most of my time and beastmaster because of the need for pets. However, I would switch to marksman when I would run group content just for the extra output. I’m excited to see how much more output I’m going to get now that I don’t have to respect and dismiss the pet in group content.

you’d be surprised how many solar players also use survival and also use beastmaster with two pets tanking for them. I get it. It’s a big change and people don’t like change but it’s coming and I’m looking forward to it.

Already switched to BM. Said bye bye marksman, you are a dead class. Switching classes made my action bars reset and I had to fill out 60 talents , but I don’t regret dumping the crappy class for a minute. I made sure to pick every talent that has the sentence " summon pet" in it , so I am going to have 4 or 5 pets around the Tank at a time, I hope he goes crazy.

I am not sure what happens in the break room up there in the Ivory palace, but I wish blizzard wouldn’t conspire to destroy my characters .

I am angry ,but my hunter is BM now and i am not looking back.

If you take BM pets away , I will unsub.


Or, you know, it’s because Lone Wolf does more dps. It’s not an indicator of whether people like their pets or not. Get rid of the LW damage bonus and watch those numbers flip.


I’m happy to have a polite discussion with people here.
But your comment about MM hunters having a ‘failsafe’ in their pet is no more accurate than calling MM hunters who M+ /raid have a ‘failsafe’ in their tanks. Or saying BM and SV hunters pets are ‘failsafes’ or ‘crutches’.
It’s inaccurate and comes off as an attempt to be insulting.


This one bug, is documented somewhere? Ty, I’d like to take a look.
Are you saying that’s the main reason why MM hunters are doing so well in mythic?

i’m sorry if my wording or opinion puts you off from continuing to be a decent person and having a civil conversation. Perhaps you could simply just bring your objection to my attention and we could carry on having civil discourse. But if you were looking at my poor wording as an excuse to be rude then we really had nothing to discuss to begin with. Sometimes bad wording is just bad wording and there is actual discussion to be had.

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Are you taking back your comments about MM hunter pets being a ‘failsafe’ then?
I have no intention of being rude.

I will gladly retract that statement. But up to this point every bit of what people have been saying about their pet is that they need it for solo play so they have a tank. They have two pets in the beastmaster spec and could still use a single pet in survival. So yeah, I can retract the idea of calling the pet a crutch, but I’m also reinforcing that I’ve tried the newly revised spec on the PTR and I enjoyed it. So I haven’t changed my mind about the changes to the spec, but I am willing to retract my previous statement about people using their marksman pet as a crutch.

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I main MM this would kill the class for me honestly.


delete all pets, pets aren’t allowed anymore

Good MM hunters normally do not use their pets for Raids or M+ unless they need lust. Pets are more for world content. I do use my bear on occasion if the tank keeps dying because it can help tank and take some of the damage load while letting the tank keep most of the aggro. That has saved some keys on occasion when the tank is new or learning the dungeon. As tanks get better they dont need bear help. But other than that the pets stays in the barn for Raids and M+.

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Not that pets are failsafe but they do help tank in world content. They are more to bring MM’s to the par of other roles. There are a lot of other roles that have more survivability by themselves then MMs have even with a pet. I have seen some tank roles that seem like they literally cannot ever be killed by any world content. They are way beyond MM plus pet.

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Well, I guess I’m bidding MM goodbye after 14 years …

I’m sad. This toon is my very first. Together with her faithful Abby at her side, she broke the ice of all content from Cataclysm to War Within. Together they blazed the trail that all my alts would travel in their wake.

When I started, I chose to main a hunter because of the description on the website:

“Hunters battle their foes at a distance or up close, commanding their pets to attack while they nock their arrows, fire their guns, or ready their polearms …”

Knowing that I’d mainly be soloing the game (as I still do), a pet class was a no-brainer. For reasons of personal preference that I won’t bore folks with here, I chose Marksmanship hunter, and I have never varied (on this toon).

I know it’s no big deal. People will reply all the predictable stuff. It just saddens me that as the devs seem to be seeding in more and more (and more) choice throughout the game, why do they occasionally implement decisions that remove important choices that have meaning to some of us on real levels?

Why not make this an entirely NEW hunter spec: “Sniper”? Leave MM alone, standing as it stood for 20 years? I suppose the Survival folks felt the same way when their ranged weapons went away a few years back. I didn’t weigh in then. It reminds me of that old saying: (paraphrase) “When they came for the survival hunters, I said nothing. When they came for the MM hunters, I said nothing. When they came for me, there was no one left to say anything.”

Yes, I know I am overreacting. But if you know my posting record over my 14 years, I have always been a steady, optimistic supporter of the game, the community, Blizz, and their decisions.

This one makes me truly, deeply sad at the core of my WoW identity and pushes me farther away from this game.

I just thought I needed to say it this time.


Pretty much this. You cant really be a tactical and stealthy sniper if you have a pet giving away your location as it runs to your target. The Fantasy of a lone sniper or archer is MM being petless.

Its fine. The same argument can also validate the eagle as you cannot determine where its from because its the “scout” to check ahead and attack the target without giving you away. Fantasy wise I understand it all.


They should take away the ability to equip shields from Arm and Fury Warriors and Ret Paladins. They never use them. Replace them with an armadillo passive pet or something.

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Okay then.

Sure you can. You stay hidden while your pet distracts the target.

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God no. I cant wait for a range centric hunter build that doesnt require a stupid pet. Im finally going to level my hunter.

Been wanting this since pre launch, over 20 years. If only one of us gets to be happy im going all in on my happiness everytime.

Thanks for finally giving me a true archer build after 20 years.