Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!



You’re still missing the point being made, and while I’m personally in favor of the changes being made they’re changes being made with no regard for personal preference or the class as a whole. Blizzard ran their “you’re a spec, not a class” gig for a while, and eventually came back around to “you’re a class, and the spec just represents a specialty or focus”.

I get why this is being done with MM, but it doesn’t make it any more pleasant to deal with for people who are bringing the issue up. Every thread about this does not need the “lol swap specs or unsub y u mad” responses from people. It’s GD, and trolls gonna troll, but holy hell some people have latched onto this topic just to gloat towards people voicing displeasure about the way a class is changing.


I am guessing… no.


They said “Stop telling me to load up the PTR to do something I can already do on live” - Which you can’t hero without a pet on live.

Not a strawman.

They could have gone 2 different ways about it and they chose an option pretty much no one wanted lol.

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People are already using him as a tank as his dps spec now (hell if I know how they can get him to generate that much aggro, but I digress) so considering he’s receiving a tank spec specifically for classes and specs that don’t have a reliable means of healing him or themselves, I’m pretty confident this will be a non-issue

As far as pets are invovled with marksman it should be an optional thing. If it’s not it should be as while my marksman never used a pet and will welcome the free owl I know not everyone did that or feels the same way. Come on Blizz make it optional rather than forced, don’t do a repeat of the water elemental incident where you took that away forcibly from frost mages only to make it part of a cooldown


My main toon is Tortugamare on Moonrunner. Glad you appreciate the comment.

I tested this with my copied MM hunter on the PTR today.

It’s a significant change from having my pocket tank out when I’m soloing.

I’m not comfortable with it just yet. I miss my tanky companion.

I can’t speak to how it works in group content because I’m primarily a solo player.

Time will tell.


Here’s something people haven’t thought of.

Completing the mage tower is gonna be a lot harder now for Mm since you won’t have a pet to soak the rune


“A lot harder”… I don’t know about that.
The main reason to use your pet is so you don’t have to move. So that just means a little more movement for you. The pet is completely unnecessary for the entire thing and just adds a small amount of cheesing.

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  1. I’d rather not have to take a talent at all.
  2. Their goal seems to be a noticeable visual effect whenever lust is used, like the goblet for draenei shaman, the horde crest for horde ones, and the hourglass for timewarp. That’s all the eagle is.

And if you’re wrong, and the short animation followed by leaving is all they INTEND it to be - what then?

I don’t see the big deal. Just have it be one of those “pick one out of two” talents.

Which puts them back in the position of balancing Lone Wolf vs pet and having one be clearly better than the other. That’s what led us here (again) in the first place.

BM hunter is best hunter anyway. No other hunter specs deserve pets. But hey, at least you get a bird?

I don’t see the status quo as a problem. How hard can it be to balance pet damage?

Blizzard didn’t even made an attempt to buff pet damage before writing the pets off as “no one wants them” - both for the Water Elemental and now MM pets.


Because it’s not about the damage, it’s about friction in the spec. Reread the patch notes.

its not a pet, its a spell animation. this is new levels of cope that shouldnt be possible.

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Keep telling yourselves that. It’s what we SV told ourselves for a decade.


Just add the new rework stuff to Lone Wolf and disable pet summoning while letting people who didn’t pick Lone Wolf to keep their pet. Where is the friction in that?