Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

You can’t. That’s part of the bm specialty.

Im sure it does, but just removing spirit beasts and rex types from the list, since you can’t tame those as mm. That dramatically reduces the effort.
Quite a few like loque’nahak and ghostcrawler tend to be hard camps. Ghostcrawler especially since its in the abyss and requires a flare to find if I remember right.

Me thinks you are being a tad over dramatic.

It may be intended to stick around longer before flying away. Do you know what bugs are? Or are you just going to keep babbling about how you can’t divine intent while saying you know for a fact that the eagle isn’t currently bugged?

You can lust without pulling out your pet on live?

So no other ranged spec without a pet can survive?

I’m not even going to bother responding to you if you’re just going to throw out strawman arguments.

Got it, so they programmed not just the animations but also the sounds of the eagle spirit to last for exactly the length of time as the unintended bug they introduced to PTR. I recommend you loosen that tinfoil hat so the oxygen gets where it desperately needs to go.

Gutting a huge customization option for a spec isnt one to you?

You realize this dumb eagle also hurts the petless players since now they’re forced to have a pseudo perma pet


Fine. Just bake the new changes into Lone Wolf and make it so you can no longer summon a pet when you take that talent. Leave MM Hunters who don’t take that talent with the ability to have a pet.


I don’t see how this follows from what any of what I said. You should play the PTR and experience the rework for yourself. I’ve never held otherwise. MM, minus the loss of player choice generally feels the same to me. More stationary due to the longer cast time and increased emphasis on aimed shot.

Screaming doesn’t make you less wrong. I’ve been on the PTR since Tuesday. I know how it works, and I also can recognize that the PTR can also be notoriously buggy. Things on it may not represent the final art and effects.

Compare their stated intent to what we see. Does the current iteration feel impactful? Does it represent a pet that actually is a companion and worthy of custom appearances?

Your focus solely on the PTR is like holding up a few puzzle pieces and shouting that you’ve completed it, when we’re here looking at the box and comparing the two and realizing this doesn’t quite make sense.


I was loading up the PTR while the 4 of you were in here busy complaining. According to my results on a single target raid dummy, I am almost 30% higher in output than I was previously. Glad to see the redesign worked. Had to go post my findings and thank them for the change.

You all have a great night. I now have the info I need, and no longer need to run in circles with name-calling, or waste time keeping this thread going with my responses.

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Fun fact: You don’t need to do any PTR testing to start the game and dismiss your pet.


You have “all the info” but you keep missing out on the fact that we’re not complaining about the damage portion of the rework.

Don’t need a pet in groups, Brann is getting a tank spec in delves, and anything in the open world that wouldn’t pancake your pet in 2 hits anyway is easily soloable without one now, let alone after the patch that seems to be making MM, performance-wise, objectively better

I’m not here to argue more subjective opinions, but any complaint about losing your pet ruining survivability is, straight up, a skill issue

I know. You’re all complaining about the pet that still exists in BM and SV. Like I said. Have a great night.

Still missing the forest for the trees I see. We know BM and SV will still have their pets. What we want is for MM to still have their pets as well. I look forward to your next installment of missing the point on a cosmic scale.

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The pet is no longer needed. I just tested the spec and it works just fine. But, like everyone has been saying, MM may be losing the pet, but the other specs still have them. You can now choose between playing a sniper, or a beastmaster. There’s your forest.

No talent point is needed if Blizz makes it baseline and free. You’re making a big assumption there.

You also still have to take a talent anyways with the rework. Have you played the PTR? Tenacious/Cunning is still a mandatory pick if you want Trueshot. And you do.

So assuming that this Feral Grimoire worked the same, and you got MS and Bloodlust instead of your pet - what utility from the pet would you still be missing that isn’t already included in the talent tree already?

Which you can do right now with your pet out and holding the enemy at range. Something you won’t be able to do after the patch. Solo players aren’t getting a “sniper” spec.

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To be fair, that was a good counter. Not a strawman lol.
Because there are quite a few new things you cant do on live that are on the ptr. Bunch of talent changes and such, including no pet hero, mortal strike, mend pet turned into something else entirely.

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Unless Brann can heal himself, this is a straight downgrade for MM.

Because you do focus testing. This is the dungeon test week, so they’re mostly focused on mechanics and interactions than graphical effects and animations. Those will likely come later.

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I love the idea of MM being petless with the eagle helper. I will seriously have to consider if it is now time to unsub if they dont go forward with their really good plans

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And none of those are things we’re arguing against, so yes it is a strawman position.

It is possible for Blizzard to maintain the option of a personal pet without removing the QOL changes introduced.

They have chosen not to.