Marksmanship Hunter 11.1 DO NOT TAKE AWAY MY PET!

You said MM would be able to kill stuff faster so it wouldn’t matter if you lost the pet.

Also? You keep bringing up “increased damage” as if they couldn’t have just boosted the damage our current abilities and talents provide.

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How it currently works may not be how it’s intended to work. It may be intended to be much more visible but it’s bugging out. We don’t know yet.

Well I can’t compete with whatever fantasy you’ve made up in your head. The PTR Blizzard gave us access to is my source of information.

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Definition of Lone Wolf. One who works… alone. We’ve already seen some numbers coming from the PTR showing higher throughput without the pet. So I am excited to try it for myself.

The public TEST realm that they gave us access to. You do realize what that test part means, right? Stuff isn’t going to always work 100% correctly. So saying it works one way now doesn’t mean that it’s fully intended to work that way in the future.

And I can do those fights as MM now with a pet if I wish. No need to switch at all.

How does it cost utility? The complaint is about wanting lust and MS primarily. Set the talent to grant the command ability of the pet you dismissed, and MS to aimed shot. Win. What other utility do you lose out on that is not already otherwise granted within this rework?

And there it is. All this complaining over preconceived notions and baseless assumptions over changes you haven’t even seen for yourself. This echo chamber about losing a pet really has a hold on a bunch of you doesn’t it?

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I can’t divine their intent in tea leaves either. Are you going to download the PTR or not?

And now you can try them solo or swap to BM.

They could have given us higher throughput without removing the pet. I don’t get why you think those two things are so intertwined.

If you can’t divine their intent, then why are you so sure that it’s working correctly now?

Buffing a spec for the sake of buffing it is just bad design. Redesigning it to work as intended is more sustainable.

I literally explained how? You’re the one who brought up Grimoire, do you actually know how it works?

THE TALENT, for one thing.

And we can keep the pet just fine. They’ve reworked how the spec works before without having to remove the pet. Stop acting like it’s suddenly this massive roadblock that must be removed before they can do anything else.

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Because assuming that what they presented is what they intend to roll out is how the PTR works?

Like, they could put all the classes on the PTR and then delete half of them in 11.1 if they wanted to, but I can’t base my feedback on that assumption.

No no, you still get a pet. Just a stupid Eagle instead, you’ve just had your variety options taken away XD oof!

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Take your own advice and actually load into the PTR to try it.

Assuming that the first build of the PTR will not have any bugs is hilariously naive.

You think the animation they programmed into the game of the eagle spirit flying away is a bug? Do you know what bugs are?

Stop telling me to load up the PTR to do something I can already do on live.

Losing the pet does not require any PTR testing to figure out that it’s a massive loss in survivability. It’s like I don’t need to cut off my hand to realize that I can do more stuff with two hands.

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