I think my hope for it is that it will be very powerful single target.
So that’s a “no” on providing any proof to back up your absurd claim that MM is now a support spec.
Ah so you’re bootlicker that just accepts needless blizz changes
It isnt what I consider a pet. It’s what Blizzard does, and they have stated their intent to make it a “true pet”
And if the pet is invisible, then it doesn’t need any cosmetics does it? The fact that they mentioned that should tell you that it’s lack of visual presence now is not at all the intended final result.
100% this. We have just as much right to celebrate change, as they do to complain about it. They just can’t handle what we’re not holding their hands and echoing their sentiments.
Again with the namecalling. Grow up.
You’re conflating two different things. The damage changes are fine. Most people aren’t complaining about that. Losing the pet is what we’re complaining about. It’s a completely separate complaint from the damage changes, something you keep trying to conflate as if they are inextricably linked together. As if it’s impossible for them to make any changes to MM Hunter without also removing the pet.
And the damage changes mean you kill faster, so you no longer need those tiny buffs. You kill, and move on quicker. Not sure why this is a complicated concept, but I will gladly share my MM success story AFTER the change goes live just to prove its success.
Of course. I never said you couldn’t or shouldn’t.
Your reasons for wanting the pet gone completely makes no sense though. You already have Lone Wolf that allows you to play without the pet, and it even does more damage, but you want to deprive other players the option of running with a pet.
Okay I’ll grow up when you learn to criticize crap design
With this change comes MORE DPS… the whole purpose of the Marksman spec. BM has pets. SV has pets. A single spec with no pets, but ACTUAL damage makes sense.
If I spot any, you will be the first to know.
Being able to kill slightly faster does not in any way make up for losing the pet. Tell me how you can kill a T8+ Delve boss before it can get to you, because that would require doing 30+ million damage within a few seconds.
Not fast enough in many circumstances until your gear trivialize the content
Too early to say. It’s also likely you move on slower, as you have to account for the downtime of having to stop and regen your health.
You can get more DPS without a traditional pet, and then give a small DPS debuff with a pet out. Those of us who prefer to trade off damage for survivability or just aesthetics, can. And you can still be a little big D dps gnome hunter just the same. Win win.
I switch to BM, set both pets on them, and keep moving.
Grimoire still costs you utility; you only get one ability (the Command ability) from the pet that way. If you Grimoire a Felhunter for example, you get Spell Lock but not Devour Magic.
For the two dozenth time Lone Wolf is insufficient. On top of being a talent tax, you still need to pull the pet out for Lust / Intimidation / GW etc.
I completely agree with you. I won’t be giving up WoW because of it because I play a variety of toons to change things up a bit.
It’s frustrating to see Blizzard to change something that works, especially since MM hunters don’t have to have their pets summoned. It seems pointless for the devs to remove them or change things.
Just my two cents.
And yet somehow I am still excited to try it for myself rather than relying on dismissive anectdotal responses.
Not sure whose alt you are, but appreciate you confirming that a hunter spec without a pet for damage was fine. Now that the pet is gone, it should do quite a bit more, and at least a little bit faster. I will know more after it goes live.
I said 99%. 99 is not 100.
The eagle is briefly visible for half a second when you use Lust or Intimidation and then it goes away again. If you had ACTUALLY TRIED IT ON PTR you would know how it works.