So they might as well stop all development now then, using your logic. No 11.1, no new expansion. Full on dev freeze and work on fixing every single bug forever until the game is completely bug free.
Or… y’know, accept there will always be some bugs, some jank… and develop things people want. Currently, removing pets is proving to be a very contentious design change, again.
I have not been given the answer, not once. But hey, prove me wrong. Let’s see it. I’ve been told that DPS would be better but not why that improved DPS could not be given to Lone Wolf leaving Hunter Pets in place.
First of all, you advertised yourself as the expert that tried the PTR and know all about it. But what you stated there does not answer the question.
Ok so say I try it and what it does it does fine. That doesn’t answer the question. Why can’t they give what ever it is to “Lone Wolf” or even a third tallent and leave Hunter Pets in place?
No one has answered this question even though I’ve asked it many times.
You act like these things would be simple work arounds , but completely ignore cases where as I stated one line of code can change things that aren’t even connected to those lines of code.
Do you think everyone liked the changes Survival had? No but people gave it time and some actually enjoy it more than the other specs. Stop acting like Blizz needs to adhere to the vocal minority as that’s usually the only crowd that’s actually vocal about changes they don’t like.
I never commented on the simplicity or complexity of the change. I stated that they are possible with sufficient time and resources. Whether or not Blizz is willing to commit them, is up to them and not something we have visibility to or much influence on.
SV is dead to me and has been since they killed its gameplay of being a ranged CC goddess. I don’t know how popular SV is, nor do I care.
That’s a you problem then , as I stated some tried it and enjoyed it , changing a spec in some way or another doesn’t always mean the end of the world.
So wait and see how MM plays before complaining. And you will never know if it is or isn’t good or fun if you don’t give it the time and chance.
I’m not waiting for the horses to escape the barn before closing the door. NOW is the time to let them know this change is not welcome, when it is on the PTR and I can already show it negatively impacts my enjoyment and the enjoyment of others.
They can keep every aspect of the rework, but forcing a pet down my throat that I have no say over is not acceptable to me.
No you haven’t. If you did you would simply repeat the answer. After all, when you get multiple replies it’s easy to miss an answer. Fact is you can’t answer that question.
Even if the change works and accomplishes what it is meant to do, why is it ALSO necessary to take Hunter Pets away from MM Hunters?
It could be set up as an “either or”. You either take Lone Wolf with the buff or you keep the Hunter Pet, pretty much as that works today. What’s out of balance?
That is so vague it means nothing. Specifically what tuning problems do you have if you have an “either or” situation? All you have to tune is the new Lone Wolf thing.
No one who cares about the fine details of tuning plays MM with Hunter pets. People who play Hunter Pets with MM are more Role Play oriented, at least I am. What tuning do we need for Role Play?
Snuzy is in the assumption that, if a pet option exist, blizzard HAVE TO balance M+ and raiding in a way that make pet and non-pet gameplay comparable and “balanced” (despite not being neither of the two for at least 10 years).
He also argue that, this time and work(to make pet and non pet comparable/balanced) would hinder MM design, and it would mean blizz would keep designing the spec with having a pet in mid(despite this not being the case ever since LW became a thing), all of this would make MM a worse spec - which would make harder for his guild carry him
Its basically dumb arguments from slippery sloppy fallacy
Its vague because I have repeated this multiple times.
They are unable to to make both types of play comparable because of the vast difference in how they do damage especially in AOE because the pet can only attack one single target versus LW does increased damage to all targets.
They are removing LW because they want to only have to tune one type of play which is why they are removing LW and the pet
Because its bad business to release one playstyle thats super far ahead of the other which also affects no pet MM
They are balancing the whole spec’s talent tree around not having a pet now adding buffs to multiple talents. So it’s not just one talent that altered / affected.