We don’t know if it’s a coding issue or not, because none of us have visibility to their software development team or the backend coding. With sufficient time and resources, they could do it. We only know that they chose not to and eliminate player choice instead.
They tried to remove pets from MM twice. Both times they reverted the change and brought them back.
Eh, sometimes it’s so hard to FIND a weapon, all I care about is the raw DPS stats lol, because it usually outweighs everything else even if it has the absolute worst secondaries.
But yes, I’ve always hated the Secondaries system too, I hate how big of a difference the best vs the worst is for each class.
Finding new loot should be exciting, and never a letdown. But, you see Versatility on a Ret Paladin weapon and you just groan…
BUT, it’s 50 item level higher, so the raw DPS will still make it better than what you have…
EDIT: BUT! I suppose that’s better than finding a 2H caster weapon. That’s the worst.
Completely agree , sadly I have seen vers on just about every piece of gear or weapon that’s come out of a delve. They really need to add more variety to item stats instead of everything is vers + random stat.
I also know the pains of a caster weapon drop as a few have dropped for my WW monk
They rally can’t they tried multiple times and there is always an optimal option that people feel forced to play
If they make LW do more dmg that with let people cried that they are forced to not use pet
If the pet does more damage or have more utility such as with having BL ppl complain that they are forced to use pet and
Having pet vs having no pet at the same spec cannot be balanced thus they made a choise to just have no pet
Makes sense too as lore wise the MM hunters like Silvanas or Aleria don’t use pets so they ate giving players the option to have no pet without having to feel gimped that they don’t have pet
Current mm Hunter pve wise is gimped if they don’t have pet so playing pet less feels like you self cripple yourself
Removing pet is good and will make mm feel much different than BM or Sv and that’s a good thing
Crutch is loaded, reductive language. Hear that folks? Any defensive tactic in the game is now a crutch. Remember that when they come for yer daughter, Chuck.
Of course dps is going to be better on PTR. They want mm hunters to like the changes and have no blowback. DPS bribery, if you will.
I’ll be trying it out on my hunter later and see how it goes. I’m relatively neutral on the petless changes. But the gloating and goading over it is pretty insufferable.
It can be god teir DPS and it won’t matter. This is an awful change and they need to reconsider it. Make it an optional talent like Lone Wolf is right now… but DO NOT MAKE IT A BLANKET CHANGE FORCED UPON ALL MARKSMAN HUNTERS.
Ergo, no longer relevant in the current state of the game and easily discarded as a valid point. The code has evolved.
Marksman != Sniper, despite what popular media makes you think. A marksman is just extremely proficient with their weapon of choice, while a sniper is more a glorified scout (and would be better married to a rogue chassis than on a hunter). Furthermore, if we’re going by modern terms of a sniper - a sniper never works alone, they always have at least 1, sometimes 2, people with them: a spotter and a gunner. Sniper observes and if necessary shoots at distance. Spotter keeps extra eyes on target and guides the sniper, and the gunner sits there and guards the other two from being pinned down by close-in threats.
Lore-wise, a MM hunter could use a pet to flush out prey from the underbrush into the open, pin it down for a killing blow, or chase off nearby threats so the hunter could move to a safe distance or a clearer angle to attack from.
Complexity or simplicity has nothing to do with it. Workarounds can be created to allow things that weren’t possible before, features can be built in, etc. We have technology now that wasn’t in DF or SL built into the game client and back end servers. Additionally, it’s a proprietary client - Blizz can change whatever they want with their tools, provided they are willing to put the time and resources to it.
That alone doesn’t require the elimination of the pet, especially since I pointed out how a marksman could use a pet if needed.
Yes and to that extent look at the extreme number of bugs within the game. Adding more code simple or not just adds another line that may break something else , like the recent tw changes that broke legacy raids that had nothing to do with tw at all.