Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

Is it really a change if they still cater to the folks BEGGING for their RP pet? Meh. Doesn’t really matter anymore. The complainers got the compromise they begged and pleaded for, and Blizz showed it has no spine when it comes to actual change. Meh. This topic is dead in the water and no sense rehashing it.

You know you’re down bad when the only grievance you can muster is to lament the workload of poor programmers who are writing if/else statements.

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> Substantial rework to the spec that moves spells off the pet and onto yourself, thus removing pets from ever again being a factor for anyone who doesn’t want them and eliminating any constraints they can pose in future designs.

> “No spine when it comes to actual change”


This has more implications than you realize. The choice node already was meh, and now adding the pet back? Which means you get the pet most of the time.

Good job, community.

At the end of the day, no one completely won. Again, an awful compromise. The solution is clear: make a new phys ranged class.

I literally just woke up and haven’t had coffee yet.

I need you to talk to me like I’m a first grader.

Isn’t Improved Spotter’s Mark a 20% damage increase?

Lone Wolf has always been between 5% to 10% increase the entire time it existed, and it always was the clear DPS winner compared to using pets.

Blizzard said there will be “throughput damage loss” to using pets. Again, that 20% increase to Spotter’s Mark…

What am I overlooking?


Like I said… the complainers get their precious pet. The topic is dead. We can all move on with our forum lives.

Honestly sounds like Tayl is just bitter that an option was given to keep the pet. I don’t see how this isn’t the perfect solution, they decoupled the essential utility from the pet but still let us keep it for situations where we need it, namely solo play.

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Yet you are still responding .

Looks like you are having difficulty moving on .


You’re salty because you think you lost a battle for other people to lose something they wanted. The only thing dead here is your dignity.


Did you want to be the pot or the kettle? I am only responding because I got a notification that someone responded to me. Don’t quote me, I don’t get notified. :rofl: Welcome to the forums.

All the gloating for the pet removal didn’t age too well, op


I didn’t lose a battle. I made the mistake of betting that Blizz had finally changed and they would stick to their guns. After 19 years, you’d think I would stop betting on them to come through and actually do something original. But, like I say. The complainers won. Blizz caved. The topic has been beaten as much as the RP horse that can now stay with their hunter :rofl:

The gloating was about the improvement to the spec. The eagle is staying, and the other changes still exist. Only prob now is seeing a hunter with a pet means they are one of three, not one of two. The true petless spec turned into a compromise. But hey, way to misread it. Also, hard to take you seriously when your forum avatar looks like Goku shifting. :rofl:

You’re trying a little too hard now. It wasn’t me that pointed out your L :person_shrugging:


I mean, if we get technical, everything happened except completely removing the pet, and actually costing the Hunter a point to downgrade for their precious RP partner. Sure, this was only about 98% win, but that last 2% was just vastly disappointing with Blizz once again caving to the loudmouths, beggars, and bargainers.

And there never was a petless spec until they started forcing it on hunters during Legion and there never was a melee spec until they forced that change during Legion too .

So stop acting like MM was always a no pet spec since day 1 because it wasn’t .

This has all been about 1 persons idea and to be honest it is probably a person that has never played hunter but was given the job of being the hunter dev as well as being the deve of other classes too.


Congrats. It is still not petless. You can stop whining. They heard you.

Who’s whining other then you ?

You’re just salty that you can no longer go " Ha Ha you can’t have pets any more "

While we are all happy that those that don’t want to use pets for group content or any content can do so and those that want pets for open world can.

Your only happiness in all of this had nothing to do with players having pets or not , your happiness had to do with seeing others miserable and now that was taken away from you , your the one that is now miserable.


I want to commission a painting that will appear in the hunter lodge so that this victory over you can be remembered for all time.

“Quaark crossing the Delaware.”


