It’s one spec, for one class, and one pet Blizz didn’t have the guts to get rid of Settle down little buddy. It’s not that big a deal.
So you want the pet gone, right?
Those of us who want to keep the pet have to give up a particularly strong talent to do so. Which is fine. Why are you so mad that we’re getting a completely optional and suboptimal talent to keep the pet?
It has absolutely no detrimental effect on your experience. Unless your experience is somehow tarnished by other people not being upset at the loss of their pets. Especially when we literally need pets to solo properly as MM. Hunters don’t have the defensive CDs that petless ranged DPS have.
We were not going to get that level of a rework in the span of one month. Doing something as drastic as completely removing the pet that’s a fundamental pillar of the entire class design for all hunters is not something that should be done in a mid-expansion patch, it requires months of testing and feedback and iteration to get right.
Command abilities appear to be tied to the eagle, not the pet. While it’s unclear as to the extent their passive and special abilities remain active, I don’t see them being able to double-dip and get both at the same time. That would be broken and make MM the clear pick for PvP. Most likely the pet will just be a damage sponge and not really needed to use in PvP.
The pet will be sub-optimal in group content. In a game where player choice exists, there will always be people who chose to play less than perfectly for whatever reason. How that impacts your group, in a given moment, is up to you. For all but the cutting edge of content, however, this shouldn’t be an issue. Heroics and lower are not really that requiring purely optimal play.
You’ve named one. Otherwise, you’re correct - we won’t know until the next PTR patch drops.
Pets will be present 100% of the time. Player tamed pets are an option, the eagle is still mandatory. Also, the node it is added to was never a choice node, it was always just Improved Spotter’s Mark, which you were going to take as it was one of 2 pre-requisites to get to Trueshot.
So now, you don’t need to spend an additional talent point to get your pet back, you get to decide: do I lean in and go full eagle, or do I want my pet?
That’s pretty much the ideal compromise.
I does have a detrimental affect on his experience . His experience isn’t about having a pet or not it’s about seeing other people miserable and now Blizz has taken that experience away from him .
Relax. You people got what you wanted. They revamped it all and let you keep your precious pets.