We tried it the other way for 20 years. I’m ready for a change.
Except literally all people are asking for is the option to keep their pet. You can have all the changes you want, no one is arguing against the rework changes, aside from the ability to use the pet.
Take the utility and lust from the pet and put it on the hunter just like they are doing in this rework, but allow marksmen who want to keep their pets to do so as long as the pet functions to hold aggro and behave in the same ways, just without any difference in damage or stat boosts. Then everyone can play the way they want and be happy.
I’ve literally seen others say they are willing to keep their pet with a dps DECREASE to keep our pets. We are willing to play suboptimally as an option for the pet. Why is your alternative “my way or the highway” if not for anything but spite?
You are laboring under the misconception that I am demanding the pet be removed. I’m not. I am merely accepting the change as is, without some sad need to bargain to keep a pet I can just as easily summon with BM or SV. Blizzard is making the change. I’m ok with it. This has nothing to do with spite, and everything to do with redesign and moving forward. You people act like this is your last day on earth and need to strike some bargain for your lives. It’s a game. It’s a spec. Not only that, but it’s really not an earth-shattering event. Maybe you need to take a walk, have some fresh air, and get some perspective. You are literally freaking out like I am personally doing this to people. Blizzard is doing it. I just don’t care. It’s a pixelated video game.
Going to go out on a limb, based off prior contact with that individual.
They are going to claim that Blizzard’s rework is inevitable and they want to make the most of it. They’re just accepting of whatever the devs do and are entirely indifferent to the fact that it is subjectively worse for many people. They like it, and in their myopic view that is all that matters.
I don’t think I’d use the word myopic, but you were pretty spot on with everything else.
You didnt? for 10 years you could chose to not play with a pet. I seriouslly dunno why you have the need to lie like this
A change that actively take away player agency - when its not needed, nor necessary - isnt a good change
First off, since this change only affects marksmen hunters losing theit pet, why don’t we apply this same logic and argument to a scenario that would affect everyone? Blizzard likes to do no-flying zones a lot, so what if instead of their vision for petless marksman hunters, their vision was for no more flying anywhere, and they were to remove flying (static and dynamic) from the game. A larger sample of people would be “literally freaking out” as you say, and justifiably upset. And when faced with belittling commentary like this, it would be understandable that there would be incessant back and forth.
Comments like: “why don’t you just go play BM if you want a pet” would suddely be “why don’t you just use a flight master or teleport if you want to get somewhere fast?” Or comments like “your pet is still there, just switch specs” become “your mount is still there, it just can’t fly.” “It’s Blizzard’s game, I don’t really care, it’s just pixels.” “Complaining won’t help, we might as well only provide positive feedback to encourage the direction of ground only mounts for their vision.” Do you see how this kind of rhetoric can be unhelpful and condescending when applied to a larger audience? Because that is what those of us who want to keep the pets we’ve had for upward of 20 years are dealing with.
Please stop telling people how to feel. These are loaded words meant to deflect and dismiss valid criticism, and gaslight people who are upset into seeming crazy. It is manipulative and gross, please refrain from doing so.
Ha. Called it.
SMF is so stupid. They could literally just Make titans grip double the stats of single handed weapons and set their delay to xyz Or just let warriors tmog 1handed weapons onto two handed slots
And I seriously don’t know why you people are freaking out over a video game. It’s literally one spec from one class in one game. I mean, how are you going to react when this actually goes live in about three weeks? Are you gonna be out flipping tables and setting cars on fire? Like you people seem to be super intense about this and it’s literally just a game. I can only imagine what happens to somebody when something bad actually happens.
I seriouslly dont know why you care so much about what we do and what don’t do, over anything that is not your concern
Like rly, stop being petty and belittling people, trying to dismiss then by appeal to ridicule
Not as much as you, who felt compelled to create a thread to say how amazing it is to remove an option from people
I’m entitled to an opinion and you’re entitled to ignore it. I never realized talking to people with no perspective was so difficult.
it is amazing. I like this change. And I really don’t care if you do or not. It’s called an opinion. And if you can’t handle that, maybe you need to find yourself some perspective and stumble into something That’s actually a problem in life rather than a video game change
Seems like you are the one who cant handle
But go on, keep being petty, we already know you are just baiting trying to put this thread into evidence, like it means anything, this comment just show how desperate you are
You People: Insert calling others liars and trolls
Me: I’m fine with the change
You People: “Why is it your way or the highway?”
Me: I’m fine with Blizzard’s change
You People: “Why are you so spiteful and disingenuous?”
Me: I’m just sharing an opinion
Well, then i guess you will be fine with this change as well, i hope?
This change is fantastic because now we don’t need to listen to you whining in every single thread covering this topic.
Sweet relief
Well the next issue will be “why my pet cannot do anything but growl? My pet use to be able to do ABC! Its not fair!!” “my pet has no utility for PvP!!! ITS NOT FAIR!!!”
That will be the next discussion. Guarantee it.
Can you hold your salty a bit? im already full of the tears from the other posters, my kidney cant take enough