Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

This right here tells me with 4 weeks left til live, you don’t see them reversing it.

I have reported it for trolling, which seems to be all you have been doing lately. Now I can see it is purely out of desperation against this impending change. You might want to talk a walk and get some perspective. You’ve been over-reacting for awhile now.

You’re projecting, again.

You were making irrelevant yapping noises. Still are, every time you try to come across like a strip mall therapist.

Pot. Kettle.


Tavington, you reminded me.

Everyone should be aware of a few bugged interractions with the new talent system that have been reported. Since almost all Hunter forum posts end up in an argument, everyone that has installed the PTR should report the issues as bugs using the in-game bug report option. This should get more traction since forum threads are usually derailed.


4 weeks til this goes live…



I’ve reported 3 that I found so far. I’m staying hopeful that most of them are fixed before this goes live.

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Thank you for helping keep the topic on track.

As someone who’s been playing hunter since Vanilla. I’ve grown used to being jerked around by Blizzard.
They never seemed to understand the class or the specs.
IF Blizz really wanted MM to be a petless ranged spec. They’d get rid of the eagle and bake the damage into aimed shot.
We don’t need some random, cracked out part time eagle sometimes helping us, when it feels like.
86 the bird.
No one asked for it.


I would be ok with that too. I feel like maybe they were leaning into Mage a bit when thinking about a “familiar” to assist, and still leave a hint of the animal lore with the spec.

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We did ask for it. Not the bird, but the no pet feature.

10 years late mate

Stop using the word stalking for the most irrelevant things please

You are actively causing issues for people who actually gets stalked.

Just tired and hoping for a new class instead of concessions and compromises for so many visions of what a “hunter” is at this point.

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Still, Frost Mage is not a pure single target class and cleaving like a b*tch. Like wtf? How are we supposed to PvP at a high level when we have no keybinds to bind /Cancelaura Excess Frost, /Cancelaura Excess Fire, and /Cancelaura Frostfire Empowerment? Please bless us with some Frost Mage changes in PvP Blizzard and listen to our feedback! Christ!

I posted some about Frost PvP, if you scroll down. Christ!

Shamans asked for them to take pets from MM? And the devs listened?? I thought all shamans were ignored as a natural course of action!! Funny that they listened this time …


Sure thing, I’ll swap my character next time to show that I clearly also play the class. So sorry.

Wait–not sorry. This was just my first character, and I prefer to have it representative. Don’t you play other characters? No? Okay, that’s fine. I won’t gatekeep you or your conversation you want to have about shamans if you decide to post on a hunter. I don’t know you or what you play ultimately, so I won’t cast judgment.

I’m not going to go through some historical bit about hunters and shamans. We asked for it, and Lone Wolf was an attractive reason to play MM. The pet AI is awful, BM is you not even interacting and just yelling, and Survival has an identity crisis. We asked for this, and and a lot wanted this. It gets rid of the pain point associated with skills associated with pets. As I said in another thread (or maybe this one), a lot of this could be alleviated if they also just made another phys ranged class instead of gutting/compromising for many visions of what hunter is. In all honestly, that would be a preferred action.

It’s just divisive topic among the striation of casual to hardcore players, would you not agree, considering your own response?

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Why must one side be forced to have an inferior play experience to satisfy the rest?

Why can’t there be an option for players to pick a pet, that they want to associate with and an option for those who don’t want to, not to?

This decision is worst of both worlds: You’re forced to use a pet that you don’t want, or not pet that you have attachment to.


Quite the opinion you have there. Maybe the change is inferior to you, and superior to some of us. As far as why there is no option, I’m pretty sure Blizzard made it clear they want MM to stand out against the other specs and feel a bit more unique. The only difference between BM and MM right now is a couple of abilities and an extra pet.

The difference between BM and MM certainly feels more significant than what you’re describing. BM is basically a zookeeper that acts as a sidekick to their pets doing all the real damage, while MM is dealing damage personally while being assisted by their pet in solo play, as well as when called in to activate Primal Rage.

If we just give MM Primal Rage as their own button instead of a piece of the pet utility, and otherwise leave the pet alone, I don’t see the problem. The pet is still there for those who want it and for when it’s needed, like Delves and questing. Those who never want to use their pets in MM spec ever again also get what they want. It’s a win-win.

The bird is a neat idea but I feel like it’s just going to cause more problems than it’s worth. It’s being talked about like it’s the next big thing for MM, but all the customization and such is being added later, like probably “after Midnight” later. And it’s barely visible in the current iteration. This is a huge rework that can’t be resolved in the span of a month.


Thats the whole point

Some of you think its superior, and therefore, its fine if others are forced to have that experience, cause they think its superior, in other hand, there are people who think the other way around is inferior

but of course, it is subjective, the idea is not force people to have inferior/superior, they should be able to chose.

MM is very unique and very different from BM


I know the Eagle has very little to do with the rotation and is simply a hint of flavor and flair. But given a hunter’s ability to drop the 2nd pet, turn the remaining pet into a tank, and let them hold the aggro. MM still seems to pull threat, so having a pet never made much sense to me. I figure the pet is there for the threat, and their damage is a plus. I’ve tried the new spec on the PTR in a variety of ways, and am enjoying the update.