Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

yeah, that totally has to be it. The forums are completely biased. :rofl:

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, their opinion can still be asinine, wrong or dumb. You need to grow up and understand that.

You right now, is doing what you preach against, you think they should not be entitled to their opinion either

Slippery slope fallacy since, there is countless of talents that do not get dev time by being tuned

And because devs dont try to keep both versions on pair with each other anyway

It literally doesn’t, you keep saying this like it is true, when it isnt, you imagine this is the case, despite not being balanced for years and LW always being superior

ah, how great the smell of hypocrisy in the evening


I agree, wholeheartedly. Everyone has an opinion, including yours about me. You have yourself a nice night.

A % damage reduction would guarantee it’s always lower no matter what you do. There would be no situation where tuning would be needed to keep it balanced as it would always be worse in all situations for damage. Lone Wolf works by increasing damage for dismissing a pet and I can see how this may cause weird balance issues. That’s why what I’m asking for is the opposite of that - summoning a pet comes with an Aura that reduces all damage by 5%. That way not having a pet IS the base damagea dn it’s reduced from there. Sure there might be some weird scaling causing it to be a little out in the negative direction but it won’t be by any amount that ever matters for solo play so they could just ignore it and it would be fine.

But let’s assume thats wrong and would still create balance issues - what if we went one step further and pet had literally no damage and just had taunt. No damage means no damage to balance.


We already told him many times, but he is afraid keeping pet as option would someway somehow, make blizzard lose their time trying to balance both options, making MM a worse spec in the process - despite Lw already being better and the issues not being related to the balance between the two -, or that one interaction in the future might break the game, so they need to constantly keep this in check, meaning, losing dev time.

Its the basic of a slippery slope fallacy, so he just ignore and fly off saying he have more credibility than us mere plebs


Then why are you still here, responding to those of us who do?


My man. You’re not understanding that that is already what they are doing and it’s causing issues because they have to make both versions tuned which is where the issue is.
They are removing the pet for a reason

Considering you can’t even comprehend what my argument is and you aren’t informing anyone of anything.

I preferpets.


There is no argument to be understood, is a lame fallacy


Snoz is just one that a lot of us would be happy if he stepped in his own explosive/tar/freezing trap face first.


Knowing him, he prob mess up putting his traps too

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There is. It just requires some basic game knowledge and understanding you clearly don’t have.

The fact that you don’t even understand what I saying is pretty apparent

You’re not really worth talking to in general because you’re very clueless about the game and do nothing but troll.

Weird thing to say about someone that’s clearly better at the game than you :joy:

Who are you again?

The only people that would say something like that is someone that also doesn’t have a clue what they are talking about :joy:

Again, its not an argument, its a slippery slope fallacy

You think X and Y will happen, but anything is based on your (wrong) assumptions toward the subject, MM was balanced to M+ with LW as the optimal option for years and they never bother to make LW or not comparable. Nothing changed for you

But you always keep coming back, like moth to flame, because you know is the truth, otherwise you would not be compelled to respond :face_exhaling:


eh, anyth8ing to shut one of his traps up.

This is where your lack of the game knowledge shows.

MM was not balanced very well for years because it’s always had to balance around both LW and a pet to the point it suffered in group content.

These changes fix that.

Nah I just enjoy watching people embarrass themselves like you do constantly.

yOu LaCK gAmE KnOwLeDgE

snuzy, acting like a pedantic goofyball is not going to give the credibility you so desire, try making an argument without fallacies.

[Citation Needed]

This is the problem here, you are making a statement, that cant be proven, it cant be observed, you are assuming that and thinking its the truth. Despite the devs saying otherwise despite LW being ahead multiple years with not an ounce of effort in trying to balance the options

Then this makes you a hypocrite(oh no, what a surprise), because by saying these people aren’t worthy talking, then saying you enjoy “seeing then embarrass themselves”, you contradict yourself, because by your own words, their worthy of the discussion would be enjoyment to be had

See, this is one of the problems, you are a snob hypocrite who don’t know how to talk or discuss things, that’s why you throw a tantrum often, thinking people don’t understand you, then try to pass authority card belittling others crapping on the keyboard and flying away, a true pigeon chess player

Now, get mad again and try to force more of your “clever” comebacks


Is this where you think I care what your opinion is? lol

Actually it can be. Just have to look at logs from previous expansions.

MM hasn’t been super strong in years because of its tuning.

Yiu don’t do group content so it’s easy for you or to know that.

Saying you aren’t worth having a discussion with because you’re too clueless and laughing when you make a fool of yourself doesn’t make me a hypocrite. Keep reaching though.

I can discuss things just fine with people that actually have a clue what they are talking about. Since that excludes you lol.

It’s so funny that you think I get mad over you :joy:

You can’t correlate MM not being super strong by the fact they “have to balance with the Pet in mind” you dingus

This correlation-cause fallacy, AGAIN

MM not being super strong would have SEVERAL reasons, several design decisions, literally nothing points that “they had to balance MM due to needing a PET”, it is a moronic statement, seeing how other classes perform good or bad and have no pets on then, or having pets on then.

It does… thats the definition of words that you dont know how to use :face_exhaling:

It works like a charm, you are like a pokemon that attack on demand.