Only because it’s been clearly pointed out multiple times so far.
MM has always been billed as a sniper class. Sure they let you have the option but that option became the biggest grief in the game extremely quickly. The “Huntard” name spawned in Vanilla don’t forget.
But, back to the point, this is supposed to be a Sniper. Go and ask any Sniper you can “would you like a pet that runs after everything and gives away your position constantly?” And I’d bet my bottom dollar a vast majority say no.
But, this has been pointed out multiple times, y’all are just ignoring information because it contradicts what you’re screaming into the endless void.
How many snipers are going after giant dragons? How many snipers can shoot at something made of air and kill it? How many snipers can survive being stomped on by something three stories tall?
This is a fantasy game. It has fantasy rules. It does fantasy stuff.
Back in BFA I leveled and geared a Survival hunter mostly out of curiousity; I didn’t see them around and I was curious as to why. As I played around with it I realized why that was but all the things that other people hated about it I adored; it was an absurdly mobile melee spec with a crapton of reach, and in defiance of all sense and logic, that was the spec I got AOTC with in Nyalotha.
When we moved to Mythic, I wound up caving to the pressure from the rest of the Guild and Doing BM which did in point of fact up my DPS… but at the same time it was so… unbelievably basic and simple that I could feel my brain going smoother and smoother and while my DPS was certainly up I didn’t get that… feel of good DPS and as such it felt really, really hollow to play with.
So much so that I pledged to go all in on Marks when the new expansion came out and expressly avoided fielding a pet of any description at all costs… and I had so much god damn fun; aimed shot became an amazing bursty opener, Realizing how absurdly hilarious playing a support spec in Torghast was by chaining misdirect powers (reduced cooldown +100 damage output +90% damage resistance) turning shamans and druids into unstoppable gods… I never had a pet and I never wanted the damn thing.
So hearing that they’re going to go back to that? Yeah, I absolutely want to play the game that way.
Ok but there are also humans, meaning it is grounded in reality to an extent.
Not to mention Blizzard has been trying to distance MM from pets for a while now. This change isn’t out of nowhere. They done work to get the players used to the changes they had in store. It’s not their fault hunters are stuck in Vanilla and refuse to catch up to Live.
This is their game at the end of the day, if you don’t like what they are doing with it play a different version or just unsub. That’s really the only option we as players have. Blizzard is going to put out the game they want to put out, our choice is whether to sub and buy the new Expac or be bored playing other games.
I’m happy we have a place to voice our opinions, that’s all well and good, but we have to remember our opinions don’t matter very much to them. Especially when your entire spec makes up such a small fraction of the community. 10k hunter’s compared to millions of subs. Yea they will wish you luck as you unsub and watch others full those subs after you leave
And you’d think we would understand they don’t care what 10k players have to say. That’s an easy number to replace. Feel free to unsub and I’ll watch another 10k hunter’s come in your place not complaining about changes they don’t know about.
That sounds like a good business decision actually. Get rid of a headache since it’s from a small percent of your community.
That’s a wild assumption that this is going to lead to such a massive number of people changing to MM. That’ll only happen if they come out overly strong, and they could have the exact same effect with less effort by buffing our damage right now.
I also like how you’ve completely dropped the “realism” part of your argument.
Again, you continue to ignore the fact MM was always billed as a Sniper. So having a pet at any point in the games history was Blizz trolling the Spec and the community labeled them Huntards for a reason.
Idk, maybe they like being called Huntards and I should stop trying to stick up for people that like the abuse
“Excellent, I have Tsukenesh, the light that pierces the dark, a legendary weapon that a Naaru gave of itself that it’s very essence may smite the void lords themselves. Truly, it will make a satisfying sound when I club the hell out of them!”
I mean you made a fair point, why would I troll you or my time by arguing a losing point. You’re right, I’m sure if an Army or Navy Sniper saw a dragon they’d… No nevermind they’d take a shot because that’s what they’re trained to do.
So I guess I’ll bring realism back into the fold because that’s just a fact. Snipers are trained to not care what they’re shooting at, if they’re told it needs to die they shoot.
And in that situation having a pet to bark at the dragon only makes their likelihood of survival even lower
And we CAN safely assume MM is going to be broken at the start of 11.1 because every time Blizz roles out a new class or revamped class they are stupid strong.