Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

You can, you would be wrong all the same, again, their Reason to change was due to people having to summon the pet and lust, anything else is excuse for it

And the definition of insanity is doing the same thing again expecting different results

Because it is a mess?

Its not, it a mockery, because telling people to play BM isn’t an argument either, so it fits

Different classes, different kits.

Those espousing the ‘sniper’ fantasy are envisioning a long-distance killer, which isn’t possible with the new toolkit in this game.

You will be in melee, not at range.

Sir, MM did have a pet for 20 years

I was toned… for 250 posts. Then they got the me they were digging for.

“Play BM” isn’t an argument, it’s advice. Since Blizzard themselves have said that’s their intent for the ranged 1-pet style.


Which is, in fact, not how it worked at all on the PTR.

Your sentence contradicts itself. How can MM both not have a pet, and then not be good if you did have a pet?

Nevermind that MM has always had the pet option.

I’m sorry, if you weren’t running Lone Wolf in TWW you are either bad or a solo player who should be playing BM anyway.

I’m all for people playing games how they want, but at the end of the day “how we want” is limited to what the developers want to offer us.

Current MM hunters don’t use pets. Unless a group can’t find a shaman/pally/evoker/mage (literally 1/4 of the class options) then they didn’t try and probably don’t deserve lust, so that negates the last need for a MM pet.


If only I could make this a signature line.


You will not be able to burst down elites/rare elites or high delve enemies before you get into melee with them. You will be in melee and face tanking, which means you will not be a sniper.

No, you’re wrong. They wanted the spec fantasy to be petless and just used m+ as an excuse. See? We can do this dance all day.

They are trying a different approach for the same result. Not the same thing.


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I’ve kept up with this argument for a couple weeks now because it’s provided a lot of laughs.

And I’ve realized the issue is they can’t name the eagle and then stable it for the rest of eternity.

In the current, DF/TWW, form… MM Hunters are literal animal rights criminals. You capture a wild animal and then lock it away forever. IRL that lands you in prison.

So I say we just tag everyone complaining about the eagle as an Animal Rights Criminal and make sure we don’t run groups with them.

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And for those who know how to properly play hunter, you never end up in melee range.

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Except Survival. Don’t let Rexxar read this :rofl:

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Not possible for fights like Spinshroom. You will not be able to avoid being in melee because the platform lacks the space to safely disengage, they are immune to slows/ccs, and have more health than you burst down in a single window. And S2 will have similar bosses.

It’s not a matter of “properly playing hunter”, it’s just a fact of health pools scaling to compensate at higher difficulties.

Survival Hunter: “Dammit game, stop giving me these god almighty Usless guns and bows!”

I think some folks still don’t get that the “eagle” is not a pet; it’s a spell effect like Murder of Crows.

Other than with a couple specific abilities you never see it.

It bears no resemblance to having an actual pet out.


And I have an easier time in delves in venge spec. Hunters have the BM option just like I have the option. I don’t tank but I swap specs to be able to do delves when I feel like doing them.

Get good at the class not the spec, I always say. Because inevitably your chosen spec is gonna be garbage one day. That’s just the cycle of MMO’s. But if you’re good at the class then you can always be strong regardless of Expac or patches.

Tell that to Blizzard. They have called it a pet, they are intending to make it more pet like over time. To claim it is solely a spell effect is misleading.