Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

yeah, and I think my favorite part was the mechagnome coming in here to self promote their thread. The same thread that never stopped blizzard


I’m talking about melee/ranged survival here.
Not MM vs neo-MM.

I’m pretty sure Aug was in the works pre-DF release and just didn’t make the cut for the release date.

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You don’t know this. A character people choose to post on is not neccessarily their main character. a lot of people main hunter, or another class, but have a completely different forum main.

I have more MM hunters then any other class, even if I don’t post on a MM hunter. This change is affecting a large portion of my characters. Playing BM is not an option, the play style is completely different, and I have never once taken ‘lone wolf’ as a MM player, I always keep my pet out.


I don’t know what else to tell you other than look at blizzards own words back when they changed surv to melee.

They felt the specs were too similar and they knew it would be an unpopular change that would only appeal to a niche audience.

They went through with the change anyway because that’s their vision for the spec.

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You can tell by how absurdly clueless they are on how the spec works.

And further proof you don’t know how to play MM.

Thanks for confirming my point.

There were also Throngs of people who coveted a melee hunter spec and historically survival had been the tree most supportive of that play style.

Also, my perspective on the whole pet/no pet thing is this: If marksman hunter has been changed to the point where I can credibly do content without having to bust out a pet that’s going to keel over in seconds then I’m happy as a clam.


They are reworking multiple talents , so it’s not just 1 thing. If a spec is being set up specifically for dps with no pet they can’t / won’t balance it having a pet , it’s not rocket science to understand that.


Yes, there’s some challenges that are too hard, but I find Hunter survivability better than ever nowadays. That said, I’m not against finding a solution such as keeping pets for that, as long as it doesn’t mean we are rolling back to the previous MM iteration. What a lot of people asking for pets realize is that after this update any pet usage for MM would need to have pet utility toned down (I think it could be done by disabling family and spec traits).

The thing is that Survival just had a different playstyle, not a different identity, to BM and MM. Hunter specs evolved from the idea that in Vanilla you could specialize in strenghtening your pet, improving your shots or favoring “the other parts of the kit” (Stings, traps, melee skills, survivability).

But once specializations evolved from mix-matching min-maxing traits from all three trees into actual specialized paths, Survival ended up in a weird spot. Stings were slowly phased out until only Serpent Sting mattered, traps were too clunky to use in combat, Hunters lost melee functionality entirely, survivability didn’t make a lot of sense with a ranged spec with pet. By WoD Survival was just “the spec that uses special ammunition” as it was throwing things like Explosive Shots, Serpent Stings, and Black Arrow. If I remember correctly, it even lacked a big CD because it was hard to find a theme for it. Heck, you could go Lone Wolf in Survival, and it was the best option for the spec during WoD. Kinda funny that 2/3 of the Hunter class were favoring no pet back then.

So, when Legion came and spec fantasy became a big thing, Blizzard decided to give Survival a clear niche by restoring a melee option for it. I know it’s a very divisive decision, but I think it made the Hunter specs very varied, almost like having 3 classes in one.

Maybe you are right that Hunter could have gotten a 4th spec after all. With MM going petless, a “traditional Hunter” spec that balances shooting and pet makes more sense, but I find it hard that Blizzard would give any class a 4th spec back then or even right now (Druids being the exception for obvious reasons). Personally, I feel BM going too far into pet summoning that was the odd one out, and Blizzard has been slowly rolling back from that decision (Dire Beast went from main Focus builder to optional DPS Talent, for instance, and now we are getting a 1-pet option). If they made BM shots more satisfying to press (Barbed Shot is such an unsatisfying button to press
 but I like how Cobra Shot can stack damage the more you use it), I think it would do a great favor of restoring the “traditional Hunter”. I do feel BM is better at it post-11.1 than in the previous 4 expansions, though.


This resonates with me as well. I am thinking of canceling my subscription in a month or so. MM going pet less won’t be the reason. It is just one of a series of small things over time. Things that tilt the meter a small bit towards the leave side as opposed to the stay side. (I just need to get serious and finish TWW Lore Master on my Ret Pally before I wrap it up.)

To be honest the change doesn’t even impact me as I stopped playing hunter back in Legion.

I dusted off this hunter and spec’d into Beast Mastery to check it out. It’s
 but it doesn’t really feel appealing to me. It was nice enabling war mode to travel back to old zones to tame some exotic pets.

It’s exactly the same situation we have now. Balance just means having the hunter do slightly less damage if they have a pet out. The utility our pets currently bring is being shifted to the hunter anyway, so it makes no difference.

At one point it was so bad, the conventional wisdom was to keep your wolf on passive by your side and just have it cast furious howl on cd. It was too much of a hassle to have it do anything else. People have been wanting a way to play without pets for a long time and this is in line with blizzard really wanting unique and meaningful differences between the specs.

And i dont know what else to tel you other than look at blizzards own words about the MM changes a few days ago

they precisely explained you the reasons why they changed this - so players dont get “frustrated” by summoning a pet → who get frustrated by summoning a pet? M+ andys who need lust.

Ok, you cant give reason they changed survival as excue of why they are changing now.

BM and MM were compltely different specs with a lot of different skills, they dont play similar and they dont look similar


It was like that for year and it worked fine, the only issue - that is going to be fixed - is utility tied to pets.

Its not rocket science to understand this can be done by simple making a damage reduction while pet is out

Gosh, is not like they had that option for TEN YEARS already :weary:

Like I said earlier in this thread this is no different than the water elemental being removed from frost , people didn’t like it but yet it’s still a top played spec.
They made changes to SV by making it the melee spec and people were unhappy but guess what , many people find it fun after giving it a chance.
Blizz has looked at talent use over the last few years and seen how and when lone wolf was being used and are changing the spec as they see fit. Just because some people don’t like it now doesn’t change that fact.


That’s not all they wrote about the change. Don’t be disingenuous.

MM being able to play almost exactly the same with or without a pet means it lacks a clear identity. Can I play bm with the same option? No, the pet is intrinsically tied to the spec. For mm it’s more of a superfluous auxiliary that doesn’t even need to be there.


Now it’s going to be done properly and not have a half measure bolted on.


Like i said earlier in this thread, is completely different than that, as a pet is a core part FOR THE CLASS, not just for the spec, the CLASS is based around taming pets and using then, some more than others

Hell, frost mages can still summon their damn elemental for a short while in a burst, and hunters are stuck with a lame crap bird, they got better than us.

More disingenuous than someone saying the reason is that they are too similar?

and they wrote a lot, but that was still their reason.

MM being able to chose or not a pet was part of their identity, lmao

ITs the same crap, they could make all these changes and keep the pet and nothing changes, you are all coping hard

It feels to me like they tried to aggressively kill pet tanking when you’re not in the pet spec for both warlocks and hunters.

Neither MM pet nor void walker can really hold aggro on anything that’s not taunted without either MD or the player going AFK.


Well sure. It plays well and does good damage. And yet a huge number of people still beg for their water elemental pet to be returned. Because it isn’t about the damage. It’s about player choice in a role playing game, and that choice then being taken away. If people had never been given a period of frost mage with a permanent pet there wouldn’t be much outcry to have one. But it was a thing we had for a few years and that choice was taken away.

Well take that and multiply it by several factors and you start reaching the kind of upset that a lot of hunter players are feeling now. Because pets weren’t just an option for them for a short time. They have always been there. For 20 years. It’s a robust system, foundational to the whole class, which blizz has enhanced and built upon. Encouraging the collection of pets by expanding and making improvements to the stable as recently as just a few months ago. They encouraged us to collect and become attached to them. There is simply no version of this where those players are happy to have MM become petless after two decades.

That prob is their plan as well, make warlock pet outside demon garbage, screw their A.I more and everyone get mad how they are not performing well, so they remove it by saying how nobody want to play with pets anymore

you just need to wait the clown to defend it like it is some sort of miraculous change that will make the class fantasy so much better.

they went for mage pet, now hunter, warlocks are next in the chopping block for the sake of the esports and screw the rpg

You can’t place the blame solely on m+ when that isn’t the only reason. This is something that has been on their radar for a long time

Maybe to you, but not to Blizzard.

But they aren’t though. Gee, I wonder why that is?

Projection, your honor

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