Marksman on the PTR - AMAZING CHANGE

I challenge you to find a single post in my entire post history that shows me arguing the pet should be removed and that people should not be allowed to keep it. I have only talked about the change as it stands for the sake of DPS. People are welcome to mourn the loss of their tank pet on one spec. i’m sorry that things are changing and people are having a hard time coping with that, but I personally do not care that the pet is leaving because it’s going to allow me a more flavorful spec and bigger DPS in group content. so just for the record now, I don’t think hunters should lose their pet in this spec, but they are and I’m OK with it even if others are not.

You do this every time you tell us to just accept the change or to just change spec.

You’ve been dishonest since the start. Especially when you keep conflating the damage changes with the pet being removed. They can still keep the damage changes while still letting us keep are pet. So the post I’m replying to is Exhibit A of what I’m talking about.

OK at this point you really need to just get a life. I’m tired of being insulted by people who can’t cope. I play a hunter. I went to the PTR. I tried the change. I like the change. Do I care if the pet is leaving? No. so unless you have something new to add to the conversation, I really don’t care about any more insults and grasping at straws. I have no desire to insult anybody unlike the rest of you that seem to wanna come in here and simply just call me names because you disagree with me. i’m in the hunter discord and a lot of people are super excited about this change. Unlike the 20 people on this forum who are not happy about it. So while everybody else is busy morning, the loss of their pet and coping with what’s about to come down the road i’m gonna go ahead and log back into the game and get back to playing. I’m done defending an opinion that I’ve already defended more than 100 times for a change I approve of.

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People throw this word around too much and for meaningless things.

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I have to believe it’s some deep-seated trauma that causes people to come in here and behave rudely against somebody who has not bothered to call a single person anything other than by their name and who has not done anything other than expressed an opinion. I’m not trying to change the landscape of the hunters I’m simply offering my tiny little bit of anecdotal evidence from what I found while playing the PTR.

And I’m tired of people telling me to just shut up and accept a change that Blizzard has tried and failed to do several times before.

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I haven’t once told anybody to shut up. People are welcome to keep complaining about it. People are welcome to keep posting about it. People can keep yelling about it until the patch goes live. This is not my concern. My only point here was testing it out for myself and then providing the details of what I found for me personally. And I got attacked for it. And I got name called for it. And I continue to get attacked for it. So if you think I give two bits of a rats backside about your hurt feelings and all of this I really don’t. I’m tired of being attacked for an opinion. So I’m done defending it, especially to you.

Your “opinion” is that we should just accept these changes. That we’re not allowed to give feedback, because you’re right there telling us our feedback doesn’t mean anything. That we’re not allowed to complain, because you’re right there telling us our complaints are baseless.

So this is just another example of you being dishonest and hateful towards people who want to keep their pets. Dry your crocodile tears and try having an actual discussion for once.


oh ffs - I am glad your training dummy test pleased you but go test it by pulling ten mobs in world content and see how it feels when mobs are all over you.

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and I cleared that up by saying people should post their opinion. My opinion is that I like the change. My opinion is I’m going to enjoy this spec. My opinion is, I’ve tried it out on the PTR. My opinion is I like what’s coming and I’m going to enjoy it. My opinion is the only thing I’ve expressed. Nobody has to listen to it. Nobody has to give it any credit. but you’re sitting here telling me I’m not allowed to post my opinion about my approval of the new change yet I’m supposed to sit here and allow everybody else to complain about it and carry on. In my opinion, somebody needs to look up the word hypocrisy.

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You hit up a target dummy. That’s like dipping a single toe in the pool and saying the water’s fine.


Delusion is strong if you think they are going to let MM go live with a 30% damage increase

unlike every other hunter in this thread or any other thread, when I get ready to go to open world content, I’m gonna switch to beastmaster and have two pets doing my work for me. Why? Because I know how to play the spec and I’m not hyper focused on just using marksman in every piece of content. I don’t PVP as a prop pal I switched to ret. I don’t heal as an enhancement shaman. I switched to Resto. i’m not gonna do open world PVE as a marksman I’m gonna switch to beastmaster. I understand how to switch specs to keep playing the game. I enjoy, but everyone here seems to think that if one thing changes about marksman, the entire game is going out the window.

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I hate BM and a lot of other people do as well or else no one would be playing MM


I know how to play BM as well, which is why I’m playing MM. Because I like how MM plays. Which is why I want MM to keep the option of having a pet. I shouldn’t have to switch spec to do the stuff I can now on my current spec.


that’s not my problem or my concern. And if they take away the 30% buff when it goes live oh well. It’s a game and it’s a spec and if I don’t like the changes, I’ll stop playing it. I live in a world of perspective where I can make adjustments on the fly and not sync my entire level of sanity into one pet for one spec for one class for one game

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And that’s your personal take, which you are entitled to think. It’s how such things always are, there are almost always two sides to every change or addition to the game. Some will like it, some will not.

I doubt I’ll be playing WoW for all that much longer. Not because of this, not because of the many bugs or somewhat bland stuff put in and called content but purely a matter of time, personal limitations and age. I am not getting any younger and my playing time is diminishing with each passing day. I guess something I find so agregious just makes the idea of leaving a game I’ve loved since 2009 is becoming a bit easier to take.

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yes, it’s my personal take. That’s all I’ve been saying this entire time. This was me testing for me. Nobody else has to like the change, including the people who seem to love playing nothing but marksman because beastmaster doesn’t live up to their expectation. I’m not offering this is empirical proof that everybody should enjoy marksman. I’m offering this as a I went and tested it for myself for me to try it out to see if I would like it and I liked it. nowhere in any of this thread have I said this is gonna be the most spectacular thing ever. I’ve only applauded the change because I approved the change after I tried the change. You people seem to think that I am advocating for the removal of the pet and that nobody should be allowed to have their way. Nothing could be further from the truth. all I’m doing is offering my opinion and getting attacked for it. But then again I expect that on this forum because some people just have difficulty staying within reality and making up stuff in their head so they have a reason to attack somebody else.

Other people are expressing their opinions and you’re unhappy about it.


Balancing what exactly? The dps of lone wolf vs pet? Not sure if you’ve realised yet, but people who want to keep their pets aren’t focused on their dps.