Marksman hunters use pets in the lore

it’s mostly about losing the option for a pet to tank for you which hunter has had since the game came out

It’s a pretty weird shift in her character.

in WC3 she was a “Priestess of the Moon”, but was more a Ranger - she rode her mount, used a bow and fired Trueshot Aura. Fitting, as she leads the matriarchical Sentinels and essentially is charged with guarding the borders of the Keldorei homeland.

For most of WoW, Tyrande has been a priestess, until she becomes the Night Warrior and becomes basically a Demon Hunter/Warden.

She’s held at least 3 classes over the course of her near immortal life.

Yeah i do recall some night elf hunters had felines with them so…hey hopefully the pet thing for MM is an option and not forced.

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How so? The pet is just a physical dot. All they did was make LW so you didnt lose damage by not having the pet. And they lowered it (after 10 years) so you didnt feel bad pulling out your pet because THEY were too lazy to just move lust to the hunter.

Absolutely no resources required. But they STILL Gave you a pet you have absolutely no control over. So you still get a pet, just no way to control or determine what it does or what it looks like.

To either play a pet melee or ranged. Third option is no pet. I fail to see a problem.

lol What? I don’t use a pet, so my fantasy is live and well.

Defined by whom? You do realize this is a game?

She’s not immortal.

Tyrande the night warrior who uses dual wield glaives to attack and has an owl pet and casts balance druid spells is actually a Priest.

Third option on PTR is government mandated bird.


The Eagle is totally a random proc… he’s not even there all the time.

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See anduin.

Priest, paladin and even warrior. He whipped up a kind of heroic leap to shiv old girl in the cutscene. Paladins don’t jump…they ride a magical horse for a few seconds to close on target.

Rest of this…yeah. Retail I ran lonewolf. In classic…yes MM has a pet. to keep a bonus. I didn’t even send it to attack in wrath pvp. it lived longer to keep bonus up is why.

It could have been a cosmetic pet really…to just give bonus. Or for a nice #somechange, I’d have taken a classic lonewolf bonus too really.

Snare CC removal (with say owls) while nice enters ye old rant on of cool…one cc was countered. trinket the next one. 2 CC down.

and in come the other 3 cc I can’t counter lol.

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Sorry honey, but in the time I came back to WoW back in early October I’ve levelled up 3 different Hunters and all of them have been geared and MM I’ve put more hours into MM recently than you have recently in all likelihood.

None of the time I was playing had I wished that I had a pet even when doing Rank 8 Delves on my own. I’ve played WoW since not long after the day it came out all the way up to WoD where systems that got introduced turned me off to the game and I no longer was having fun.
This is the first expansion honeymoon period that I’ve made it past and kept wanting to play, I understand you’re losing something but game design should not be based around sentiment and intangible things such as an emotional attachment to a fictitious pet. These upcoming changes are meant to keep the class feeling fresh and finally give it an identity that it’s not had since it’s conception. Your pets still exist, you can use them in SV or BM and I’m not saying that like it’s a solution I’m saying that as it’s your only option to continue to experience them because Blizzard won’t be backing down from this decision.

No matter what you think, the pet is a requirement as not using it shuts you out from what of the most potent abilities available to Hunters which is having on demand Lust.
The fact that you talk down to everybody who has an opposite opinion inferring that they’re infants or kindergartners speaks volumes that your stance while still valid is rooted in emotion and sentiment and as we’ve pointed out already that’s not how game design should be dictated.

Don’t care what the spell effect looks like, it can have an octopus in it for all I care.
I want my on-demand Lust while retaining my Lone Wolf play style.

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That’s cool and all, and has nothing to do with the point I was making, nor the explicit comment I made.

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Perhaps you’re right and it did have nothing to do with that, but I see comments like this all the time just absolutely dripping with sarcasm saying the bird is being forced on us and while inherently it is a true statement that the Devs hold all the power here and there’s little we can do about it it’s pretty much the best outcome they could’ve dreamed up.

It is dripping with sarcasm, because people are disingenuous. The difference is I’m not trying to rob the changes from you. The pet shouldn’t have been designed in a way that couldn’t support a glyph or “first pet in stable” option that isn’t a bird.

Comments like this are why I’m sarcastic about it. You’re not worth talking to, you don’t have anything of value to provide, you’re a cheerleader.

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They’re implementing the structural part of the job so they can start collecting balance data on it ASAP, they’ve already said customization will come later so this argument is null.

Enjoying a change doesn’t make one a cheerleader, nor does it immediately invalidate anything they have to say. Your attempts to quickly dismiss what I have to say speaks more about you than it does about myself.

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No, claiming it’s perfect and acting like an advertisement does.

Nowhere did I claim anything was perfect, all I did say that this was the best outcome we could’ve hoped for and it’s a great step forwards in the right direction for how I feel the class should play.

But please, continue to cherry pick and attempt to perform all the mental gymnastics that you need if what I think really matters that much to you. If you did indeed think you didn’t think I was worth talking to, you wouldn’t have engaged.

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The slightest hyperbole and you’re off to the races. These arguments are drawn out, you’re boring and so is the topic.

You claimed yourself it’s a spell effect, read the entire argument or don’t bother responding. The framework doesn’t support what I suggested.

Substanceless cheerleading.

I can see very clearly that you’re not here for any kind of actual discussion now, as it’s very transparent to me now that you’re just here to be like the other hopelessly pessimistic individuals who continue to religiously play this game despite their displeasure with it.

I’m sorry that you’re the way you are, I hope you feel better.

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