Marksman hunters use pets in the lore

Oh ok then you guys have nothing to complain about for pet removal

The thing I don’t get is people who don’t play MM Hunter mains telling other people to get over it. It didn’t affect you to being with, why do you suddenly care? Because Blizzard made a change and therefore it is the right thing to do and we should never disagree with them because they are never wrong making changes? It is such a weird thing to tell people to stop caring about.

“I don’t care whether you have a pet or not, but shut up and stop complaining that they won’t let you have your preferred pet! Not that it matters to me in the first place.”

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Fair enough. I’m a player too, and I want the option to keep it.


We still do.

This new pet invalidates player choice - no longer is there a connection between the pet and the player, no personal sense of expression. Many of us have pets we’ve had for years and decades, that we are particularly fond of.

Furthermore this new pet takes away a lot of avenues of soloing that many enjoy. AoEing mobs in the open world is pretty trecherous without a pet, and there’s no real survivability benefits being returned to the spec.

To be fair in lore Anduin, a priest, uses a 1h sword and plate armor. Both of which priests can’t use.

Lore characters don’t follow game mechanics, they are just

In my opinion the best solution is to have a pet “transmog” spot in the stable where you can change your spotter animal to one of your pets.

The rework stays and you get to see your pet. Win win. But I’m also not a hunter main or MM player.

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I see your point, but there’s two other specs to use them in. To many of us, the marksman spec is a rifleman, someone who is effective at long range, hard hitting shots, killing quickly and effectively, hence not traveling with a pet. There should be a spec not tied to pets, where the player can be the damage dealer and self reliant. It only makes sense.

Not that anyone is taking seriously when you try to claim the eagle is still a pet. It clearly isn’t filling the role the old pet had, arguing the semantics is just disingenuous.

There will be player choice, they have stated as much it will have customization. I was fondly attached to many things in the game that are no longer here.

Soloing is still perfectly doable. I am doing it now and the few things I wouldn’t be able to manage, are done much more effectively by swapping to BM for a few minutes anyway.

They don’t need to cater to every possible whim of the community. And they won’t.

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And neither play like MM.

SV is melee. BM is all in on pets. Where is the middle ground?

And you still have a pet that you travel with, MM is not going petless so your fantasy still doesn’t exist, unlike on live where it can.

That would not be a hunter. Hunters are defined by using pets.

Don’t take my word for it:

Blizzard is calling it at pet. They intend it to be a pet.

I’m still waiting on Dance Studio. Blizzard has failed to deliver on promises before.

And they aren’t catering to yours, either:

They literally catered to mine. The pet is gone. You can try to cherry pick stuff all day. Try and summon your pet on the PTR as MM. Lmk how it works out for you.

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No, it isn’t. It’s just been changed into a forced pet you cannot currently customize.

Sure, it shows up every time I press Harrier’s Cry.

OH yeah must be schrodinger’s pet. Both the pet you want and the pet you don’t at the same time depending on the moment’s argument :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Not a stance I hold. Try again?

i think MM is trying to carry too many class fantasies tbh. it was already vague before but now it is forced to be an elf with it’s hero trees and soon forced to use an eagle. rapid fire, explosive shot, barrage, etc could probably have been a rifleman spec, while all the volley and wind arrow stuff could’ve been an archer spec, but blizz decided 1 spec was good enough.

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I’d say it would have been better if one spec was a sharp-shooter spec and the other was a woodsman spec, the former pet less and focusing on shots and the like, the latter an ally of nature, and nature answers his call, can be pet less but still gain aid from nature, in the form of guardians or like the eagel MM is getting now.

Don’t people play MM in order to not deal with pets?

Some play MM to be the main source of damage, and to not deal with the pet 100% of the time. Some, like me, use the pet only in solo content or if we need to have it out for lust.

Some think that MM is played only by those that want no pet at all, when actually it is played, again, by those that want no pet at all and by those that want the pet to be the sidekick instead of being the sidekick to the pet.

I feel your pain.

I don’t play Hunter but those posts about losing the pets give the impression of losing an edge. What’s the edge Hunters will lose? Like tankiness? Decent damage? Is it like if Blizz said they’ll cut ret wings back to 1 min or it’s just a minor inconvenience?

Tyrande the night warrior who uses dual wield glaives to attack is a MM hunter?