Marksman hunters use pets in the lore

And Hunters are not without the Pet.

LOL, Toon hiding using Classic profile preaching on Learn2play. ROFL. Be a Man.

Lol as you have no argument. You claimed mages die in melee very easy. I said nah they are tanky. You said only hunters can solo stuff without dying and I said git gud. Now I’m toon hiding… Bm will still have pets. You’ll live.

BM has different gameplay. They made BM Single Target DPS’er who is inferior on AoE.

I prefer MM on AoE and prefer toon with decent AoE on PvE World where I aggro massive Elites and AoE them all. I can do that with a Pet. If I rely on my CC as MM without a Pet, I would have downtime… waiting for my cd’s to come back before I pull again unlike right now, I could go nuts pull mobs endlessly using my Pet as Decoy when my abilities are on cd.

If you want me to go BM and pull everything, I have to single target DPS each one of the mobs I pull. I don’t like that gameplay.

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Pretty much, yeah.

And thats where i stopped reading, enjoy your free bump

You’re probably better off with the Loot-a-rang that you get from Cataclysm Engineering, it’s definitely quicker.
It’s what I use with all my Hunters. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you want to keep arguing world pve content is to hard without a pet you’re special.

You dont know what youre talking about becoz you do easy content.

I eat Delves 11 for breakfast. I solo eat Siren Isle Bosses for breakfast. And I do it very fast. Getting rid of my Pet as MM is gimping me and would slow me.

Hunter is my favorite becoz I am efficient on it and unkillable as MM with Pet. If you take out my Pet, you take out my efficiency and you take out my advantage of being unkillable. I should roll something else that are Petless when they ruin/gimp MM.

It’s like when Blizz ruined Hunter with Melee survival. Why would I need melee when I could play better as Warrior or DK as melee? Why would I need Petless MM when I could play better as Mage? I play MM with Pet as a good option when I dont like BM.

They don’t need further “compensation.”

And then you woke up

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It’s not that pve content is hard without a pet, it’s that pve content is more fun with a pet. Plus, that’s how the hunter class was sold to us.

Please allow us to continue to play MM hunter as we always have, with our trusty pets by our sides!!

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Changes happen you will live. Dear Lord.


I think that pets should stay like they are now, with them being optional with a bonus for Lone Wolf for MM hunters.

That having been said, my MM hunter’s backstory was that he was a Rangari. He didn’t have time to catch, tame, or take care of a pet while on the run from the Legion. Having one now would still be a burden and he has no connection to animals. I even took the Sentinel hero talents instead of the Dark Ranger ones so that he wouldn’t have a wolf turning up out of nowhere.

It’s not part of everyone’s “class fantasy” that their MM hunter works with a pet.

I wonder what percentage of MM hunters have the Lone Wolf talent and rarely if ever run with a pet.

You think i am dreaming. 11.1 Delves 11 would drop Gilded crests. And you want me to have no pet on Delves 11 as MM? Brann should be able to tank for us with me not healing him. If not, MM would be broken on Delves.

Right now on Delves 11, my Tenacity Pet tanks with Brann healing us. Yeah, my pet dies but i have CC allowing me to revive back my Pet in time… allowing me to kill everything before they kill my Tank pet again. It works.

All the other petless ranged specs figured out how to do 9-11 delves. You will too.

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Yeah as a Night Elf MM hunter I’m going to miss have my pet black panther/cat by my side

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I don’t run a pet if I’m grouped but usually if I’m solo i run a pet

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According to the delves notes, that doesn’t appear to be the case. New Brannk won’t be able to self-heal to the extent MM hunters would need.

They want it a little painful for MM like other petless Class becoz right now it’s borderline faceroll on MM with Pet as we are currently abusing by reviving the Pet endlessly until all mobs die.

Other petless ranged specs have more defensives than MM does.