Marksman hunters use pets in the lore

Most of what you listed are not defensives. I can’t ice trap myself out of an AoE.


But you can disengage out of it.

Not always, and mages have blink, which does the same thing. Your point?

I main a MM hunter, you’re not telling me anything new. I use all my tools and my frost mage does better at less gear even.
From my experience hunters just do not have the right set of tools that work as well as a mage has.
I’m just trying to explain why your comparison doesn’t work, in my experience.
Our pets were given to us to use as a tank to keep mobs off us along with our other tools.


Tell that to old Hemet Nesingwary. He is a MM hunter with 8 pets! :roll_eyes:

My point is you have options to help you with surviving. You are just refusing to accept it.

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I never disputed we have options to help, I am pointing out that hunters have less survivability tools than mages do because we’re expected to rely on our pets to do so.

None of this rework gives back equivalent to what is being taken away.


The Sentinels don’t use Owls as combat pets.

Nathanos was a Steven Dansuer self insert

I logged into the ptr and there’s literally no pet at all. When spotter’s mark applies (or when you master’s call), you see a little swoopy bird come in and instantly fly away. Intimidation uses the same graphic as spotter’s mark.

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That is your pet.

It’s no more a pet than lightning bolt is to shamans. Eagle friend is just a spell graphic

Also I tested fetch, it doesn’t work. Gives the error there is nothing to be fetched

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It is a pet - it persists within the game world (even if not within the interactable game space), and reacts to commands you issue.

It is not the same as existing pets.

Spell graphics do not function how this does. Because it looks similar, does not mean it isn’t a pet - even Blizzard is calling it that.

Because this version of the pet is not fully integrated with the spec, yet. More hooks and functions are intended based on this rework, which is exactly what I told you previously.

It literally doesn’t.

It literally doesn’t.

It’s more akin to bombardments from scalecommanders. There is no command to be followed, it’s just a graphic that happens when a proc triggers.

Yes, it does and it has an NPC flag. It also has coded dying sounds tied to it.

It appears when you cast Harrier’s Cry, Roar of Sacrifice, and Intimidation. It also is passively called with your attacks to do Spotter’s Mark.

It doesn’t function like traditional pets, but it is a pet.

I bet all the dracthyr procced from bombardments do too. Doesn’t make something a pet, or persistent

No, they don’t - they’re just graphical animations.


Someone needs to learn how to play the game a little better I guess.

Hunters are easy mode unkillable on PvE World. They are not Mage who dies quickly in Melee. I can be unkillable Mage but I rather play Mage than a Hunter if they would be the same Petless.

Yeah, honestly they should just lose the eagle and make it a spell fx. Don’t even bother with customizing that, just get rid of it all together.

Mages are pretty tanky. Clearly you need to learn how to play mate.