Marksman hunters use pets in the lore

Hey to be fair, they have a singular solo shuffle run.

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I’m just curious what Vulpera from the PVP forums lives rent free in their head. Maybe it’s Kennie, that would make me laugh.

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Valelilyn had the most progress before MM was nerfed twice in the same patch due to an oversight error on Blizzard’s end.
Took them 2 1/2 months to fix that, but it can’t be helped.
Since then I’ve just been collecting transmogs and levelled up other characters.

Brb rolling a vulpera.

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No. But just because you want something it doesn’t mean the devs are under any obligation to keep it that way. MM has been a petless spec for the better part of a decade. They’re just making it official.

Best you can probably hope for is that they make it like Single-Minded Fury: taking up a node in the talent tree that’s literally only there because warriors can use 1h weapons
even though no one ever does anymore. Or that they let you customize this new “”“pet”“” by giving it a cosmetic stable slot for winged models/families, or something.

I get what you mean but at the same time I just feel sad about it. Even though the last time i played mm was in cata I can at least understand why people wouldn’t like the removal of their pet and that saying to just move to beastmaster or survival wouldn’t be reasonable. Even if its been on the way out for years, seeing the final nail in the coffin for mm pets i can imagine just feels crappy.

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Class overhauls happen. You mention Cata, and I vaguely recall hunter pets not mattering much to Survival back then either. And speaking of that, I’m pretty sure plenty of people were upset when it was made into a melee spec. But that’s just the way it is now
and has been, again for closing in on 10 years. I swear Legion didn’t come out that long ago, but here we are.

I think thats fair. Me personally having played mm and surv in cata and realizing both played basically the same and i skipped mop / wod didn’t personally find much issue with survival becoming a melee spec and its personally one of my favorite specs these days. perhaps mm will have a similar fate.

Yeah, you became like them. Possible to die. As Hunter, you are unkillable on PvE World and Delves. MM would die like how Mage dies
 often. ROFL.

Or go BM and roll loot as MM. And pray
 RNG has a sense of humor. it will throw in the 2 hander just to mess with you. the fact you’ve never been SV ever, is not even factored in lol.

Solo pve BM and group content as MM has been a thing for a while. Unless doing some bleeding edge stuff, having MM gems/enchants as BM is usually not a deal breaker really.

MY usual leveling protocol in retail was BM the outside stuff and take the seconds to switch to MM when LFD hit.

Nice thing about retail is this is free. there are other versions one works to saving up for dual spec lol. and pays for the second spec training. Retail 0 money down was something missed on my classic conversion lol.

And other classes do this and its just how it is. LIke priest. One can solo pve as holy. Or disc/shadow would be in order maybe.

So, there is no middle ground then as you claimed.

You will should this rework goes live. You can go without a pet now, but come 11.1, should the rework go forward as is, that option goes away. All MM hunters have an eagle pet.

By Blizzard.


Not visible is not the same as “not there all the time” - the NPC appears to be persistent within the game world. It even has death audio associated with it in the files, for some reason.

Still waiting on the dance studio, or all the glyphs to replace the graphics they’ve replaced or promised

I didn’t mention an owl.

When BM can aimed shot, sure.

Different classes, different kits. Hunters have been designed around pets.

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Not everyone enjoys the spec swap playstyle. Did you ever stop to consider the fact that some people play a spec because THAT is the spec they enjoy? Or that some people pick a spec for a character and never change it? I know that for me I do not spec swap. Each character has a spec and it never changes. My marksman hunter is a darkfallen elf who I went through the hassle of unlocking undead pet taming on for a reason
 and now they want to render that reason and effort meaningless

If Blizzard wants us to have a petless hunter they should make a new class.


Considering how often specs get changed, no I don’t really consider it.

Sure! And when they decide to overhaul Mistweaver so they no longer heal, you can just spec Windwalker, and let specs evolve, too.

Why can’t we just have the CHOICE of what and how to play, like any other class gets?

That’s me! That’s all I’m saying!

Who says there has to be one? They never promised any “middle ground”, whatever that means. Either have a pet, or don’t. It’s their call, so if MM won’t have pets anymore, there’s a reason.

I always have, as marksman. It’s nothing new.

Notice it says “in a large part” meaning: BM and SV.

You’re making up issues, really.

There is no or no pet. It’s have a pet they dictated, or have your own selected pet.

On the PTR, you will not be petless. You will have a pet dictated to you.

Which was always an option. The eagle will be “called upon” from what they stated.

It has to be called upon, like they said. Not sure what that means as far as having a pet “out” or not

“Eagle will descend from the skies when called upon”


Nope, the Eagle is not an option. You will be using it as MM if the 11.1 patch goes forward with these changes. It is permanently summoned, their own words.

In their stated intent, it is always summoned and is always your pet.