With all due respect this is not a good take. I don’t think a single DPS or Healer spec deserves to be bad because some people (Mainly twitch viewers) don’t like it.
Ideally the game is balanced where all the specs can succeed. Doesn’t take CR or a twitch streamer to agree with that viewpoint.
This is objectively false. I’ve played Devastation, and I dont think theres a single Devastation Evoker comp thats better than my main comp on Augmentation. That said, that main comp is excelling because of how strong the other specs are in the comp.
Im 2550 on Ele Shaman as well, Ele having grounding and tremor is no different than Aug having 1 1min cd magic dispel. I mean grounding totem somehow became 3 second cloak of shadows for the entire team with a 20 sec cd. And Ele has 2 very short cooldown and powerful defensive CDs
Well I say ‘watch’ in regards to things like AWC during that time period. I don’t watch wow on twitch super often, certainly not a regular twitch viewer, but I think it is important in the context of WoW tournaments as the entire point of those is viewership.
I don’t disagree about any particular spec being bad because of AWC or twitch but Aug is a bit different than just any dps or healer spec. It kind of combines them both, while also adding in a bit of tank spec. Like the reason it was so bad to play vs (and also watch) was because it did too much of all three of those things, making games drawn out and boring. Kind of like Rdruid does when its dominant just in a different way.
I’m sure there is a way to make aug good in pvp, but I don’t think it is as easy as you are saying as there are intricate things they need to deal with like its interactions with other specs for example, on top of correctly balancing its contribution to team survivability (ie tankiness and offhealing), mobility, damage contribution (which can be hard to figure out for aug), etc. Plus, evoker has Preservation+Dev and I think blizzard is mostly okay with 2/3 specs being viable in pvp, especially if its between pres/dev and aug.
Literally has no more team healing than Elemental Shaman. Cast 8 living flames for heals and thats your entire mana bar gone. 30,000 per living flame heal. Most of Aug’s healing comes from Renewing Blaze which is mage’s temporal shield basically.
Its not all specs should be good except Aug. Thats a bad take imo. All DPS and Healer specs should be a good option. This just sounds like your personal bias
Currently sure but we are talking about buffing it right? Which could bring it to levels above other dps specs offhealing, alongside its potential other contributions depending on how it is buffed. I am not really biased here I don’t think, I don’t play the class and have nothing against any of the specs being viable, I think you may be a bit more biased as you seem to main aug and want it to be good despite what potential repercussions happen. Aug is entirely different than any other dps spec in the game, can’t really just compare it to an ele shaman or a ret paladin or anything else especially if we look at the version of aug that was widely played in arena.
Again, maybe there are ways to buff it without causing it to be too insane and that would be completely fine, if that is possible I am all for it but I also think blizzard is okay if it just takes a back seat in pvp compared to pres/dev as those are much easier to balance. Either way whatever happens happens doesn’t really matter to me as long as it is not like the first iteration we got.
lol this entire thread just proves that any prestige/rating earned is irrelevant and nobody is safe. On another note, aug evoker was a terrible mistake for the game both on the PvE/PvP side, particularly highlighting them in S2. Not sure what their performance is now since they fell off quite a bit. I wouldn’t be surprised if they start sharing a bench with frost dk’s soon.
LOL no the Oracle reword DOUBLES DOWN on PI playstyle not leaning away. (Basically the oracle main talent is a PI replacement that has an annoying requirement on a 1 min CD.
That they were rethinking that. Specifically w/ re: to the PI replacement. I have one currently deleted holy priest so I am not paying a ton of attention there. Maybe I am wrong about that?
Edit: Okay I am not paying a ton of attention to the Hero stuff at all, really. So I could very well be wrong.
For the record im done posting on the forums unless its for an Alpha or Beta test.
The forums is the perfect place to get attacked by trolls that are 800 rating lower than you which ignorantly think they are better than you at your own spec, when they haven’t figured out their own spec yet