Mankrik | [H]<Cabal> Semi-Hardcore |15/15 Naxx | LF Mage| T/Th 8:30p-12 EST

Why do hunters have pets?

Because no one else will be their friend.

You know Warlocks also have pets too…

Warlocks don’t have friends because of their pets. And even the demons don’t want to be around the warlock.


Well finally. We’re able to agree on something :wink:

Bumping this thread

We’re 10/15 now and have had some really good attempts on Lotheb. Expect to get him down tomorrow. Get in on the fun shamans!

I went to a zoo the other day and all they had was a dog!

It was a shih tzu.

Took me a minute to get that one since I was reading it and not saying the word in my head :smiley:

I went to mage school but I flunked Math and English.

The class trainers said I couldn’t count er spell.

the jokes are getting bettter. i approve of making fun of classes that aren’t hunters!

What do you call a resto druid who melees in Tree Form?

A combat log

LOL you have competition for the jokes GetintheVan!

Bumping to the top

Why are you so defensive about hunters?

Just want to make sure we are equal opportunity jokers!

I would like to take this opportunity to state that ‘ESDF’ is a superior keybind system to ‘WASD’.
And that using W and R for strafing and not using key turning is superior to that.

well it pains me to say it, but you are correct. I also use ED and WR for movement.

Is WR set to strafe or turning?

Hunter looking for a new home, the hurricane that is guild drama destroyed my old one and the current home has a lot of holes and leaks.

Hi Chaos. Are you the hunter I already chatted with on Discord this afternoon? If not, we are full up on hunters. They’re not the greatest DPS right now (and we already have 3) so we just aren’t looking to add anymore. Best of luck to you though.