Mankrik | [H]<Cabal> Semi-Hardcore |15/15 Naxx | LF Mage| T/Th 8:30p-12 EST

does this van have captains chairs? #nobenchseats

You know it! And a waterbed! and a cool logo on the side of a masked horseman holding up a stagecoach.

guys… come on. We’re supposed to be attracting people to the guild, not scaring them away.

What is a warlocks favorite drink?


A rogue and a hunter walk into a bar. They each order a shot of whiskey. Without warning, the hunter grabs both drinks and downs them in one.

The rogue turns to the hunter and says, “Hey, my drink! What do you think you’re doing?!”

The hunter grins and yells, “MULTI-SHOT!”

Except the hunter misses his mouth and the drink splashes on the 4 scarlet crusaders behind him and they bring their buddies, wiping the floor with the hunter and rogue.

Wrong. The hunter feigns death, the rogue vanishes and the smarmy warlock in the corner gets obliterated instead.

Nah, while all that is going on, he just does the lifetap+hellfire in the same corner that the hunter is feign deathing, causing the mobs to notice that the hunter isn’t actually dead and making sure they are dead.

well now the warlock is being smarmy and spiteful. What did a hunter ever do to you? Do they not like your van?

I suspect its more along the lines of weird in-game flirting, like when they untie your bowstring or put a gnome costume on you.

Why does everything have to be a gnome? Like the xmas thing that makes you into one. That’s a new rule for this guild. You have to hate gnomes to join.

I still have a random wand in my bags. Let’s play gnome roulette.

et tu Malthus?

we are supposed to be group 1 buddies. We’re pals. I give you attack power, you give me crit. We both try to get Naz to put down GOA and he never does… we’re in it together. Don’t turn on me!

Say NO to gnomes

Wouldn’t that be ‘gmes’?

New rule. If you want to join us your jokes have to be better than GetintheVan’s jokes. Don’t worry it’s a low bar :smiley:

True Dat.

How do you know someone has been playing WoW since vanilla?

Don’t worry, they will tell ya.

LOL Funny because it’s true

So, apparently, you do more dps if you don’t die. Why did nobody tell me this sooner?

you were too busy sweet talking the floor

That’s because no one else wants to hear his jokes…