Man'ari Questline *Spoilers*

Sorry, I forgot that kil’jaeden was omnipresent and that every man’ari anywhere for the past tens of thousands of years had no chance to defect otherwise they would be INSTANTLY executed.

Give me a break, dude.

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Lmao, I didn’t write the questline.

I’m replying to your answer. lol

And I still didn’t write the questline, so if the answer doesn’t make sense to you, take it up with Blizz.

You don’t think the Legion wouldn’t have been able to find, slaughter, and torture the defectors?

We’re dealing with an entirely different entity to one bound by normal physical means. He doesn’t even need to be omnipresent himself, just have loyalists willing to do that for him as well. And it isn’t as easy as saying “Screw it, we ball” when you know for sure that your soul will be tortured afterwards and death gives you no reprieve.

There have been Legion defectors in the past. One of them, demonology warlocks get his skull. They tortured him after death for defying the Legion.


While I generally agree with the sentiment if you are talking about Takiel for the warlock artifact he was never legion/a defector.

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I mean, even ner’zhul, who made just an agreement with kil’jaedan had his soul tortured and turned into the lich king to serve the legion anyway.

Now imagine what they would do to actual defectors


So did Kil’jaeden’s ability to see doubt transcend time and space? Was every man’ari ever under the guard of someone, ready to execute them at a moment’s notice if Kil’jaeden ordered it?

What about Illidan when he flat-out deceived Kil’jaeden? There are examples in the lore that demonstrate Kil’jaeden is not omnipresent, and his ability to measure loyalty was not all-encompassing.

My bad, I could’ve sworn he was a Legion defector but it’s been a while since I’ve done the quest or looked into the lore.

They could’ve been. How do you know who’s truly willing to join you and defect, or who is loyal? Especially in an organization like the Legion.

Illidan was on Azeroth, a place that Kil’jaedin couldn’t easily access at the time. When it came time for Outland, and when Illidan failed, I’m pretty sure Kil’jaedin was actually after Illidan at that point. He managed to sway Kael’thas and much of his forces at the least. We just got to Illidan first.

Put it this way: The Eredar were well aware of the fervor with which Kil’jaedin was hunting down Velen. It was a personal vendetta for him. He wanted the Draenei to suffer for what he saw as a betrayal. He probably paid more attention to punishing betrayal than he did conquering worlds.

Press X to doubt.

He literally does. He tried to do some sort of psychic lie detector scan on Illidan after he defeated Matharidon according to his book and it took all of Illidan’s concentration to make sure his lie was not found out.


OK so you’ve proven that Kil’jaeden can be deceived lol. and that it takes specific intent for him to “scan” for deceit. Therefore, he was not constantly aware of every single man’ari’s intention at every moment.

He can be decieved. Having said that you would basically have to have plot armor/be as OP as Illidan to pull off said stuns(such a deception took all of Illidan’s mental capacity). Which means most of these defectors probably wouldnt be able to do that.

But you said Kil’jaeden had to specifically “scan” Illidan to do so. So was he able to “scan” every single man’ari at all times without stopping?

This is an organization that has demons that do not need to sleep and have eyes watching everything at all times.

Here’s the issue. Let’s say one Eredar is able to hide his desire for defection from Kil’jaedin. He’s on some other world and Kil’jaedin is much too busy making sure his inner circle are not deceiving him.

What is that one singular Eredar going to do? In order to effect any sort of rebellion that Eredar is going to need to round up a group of other Eredar. The more Eredar that the singular person brings to their cause increases the odds of Kil’jaedin noticing exponentially or accidentally attempting to recruit the wrong Eredar who is actually loyal and alerts the proper authorities to quell the rebellion.


Man, this is seven hours ago, but I’ve been craving that exact thing for 19 years now.

just let me be a Revantusk blizzard

They’re already in the Horde! No new lore needed. They could use the base troll model if that’s the holdup, though it’d be cooler if they didn’t. All they need is some green skin. I can’t believe we got a dark troll skin before forest trolls. Seriously. Give them to me. Please and thank you.

Ok, now I’m going to go read the rest of the thread and perhaps develop strong opinions over literal demons showing up and looking embarassed about the whole “cleanse the galaxy in fire” thing.


Not to mention a cabal of Dreadlords who probably already know about the defector and are already manipulating information through propaganda to conceal the defector from other potential defectors and/or have plans to deal with the situation without even informing Kil’jaden.


Run, flee, find the Draenei. ANYTHING but continue to serve the Legion. We’re talking thousands or millions of man’ari. If even 1% defected, it would provide plenty of basis for player characters. Instead, we see 1 dude who defected after the Legion lost (lol)

You keep pointing to the Dreadlords like they’re some deus ex machina answer. Back up these claims that the Dreadlords are incapable of being deceived and are always watching, always waiting at every turn.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. It’s far more like they aren’t infallible defection detectors than it is that they perfectly find and execute every defector ever.

points to all of Shadowlands

Literally an expansion that shows virtually everything from the Legion to the Lich King was part of Sire Danthrius’, the creator of the Dreadlords, plan. We’ve never once outsmarted the Dreadlords. Overpowered them? Sure. We’ve done that loads of times. But it’s always ended with them coming back with - “All part of the plan”.

It’s a stupid plot trope, but it’s the one Blizzard has decided to use.

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