Glonor is playing Blaumeux Horde, this is his buddy Turack. I was in Furore, but only for like 2 months before Firefighter killed the guild
We made toons on Atiesh.
We made toons on Atiesh.
Posting now for Gonff (Paladin). He was in Apathy, Synergy. If anyone knows him, reach out!
We made toons on Atiesh but once everything opens up and we can make more we can try another server if there’s room. We just jumped on the lowest pop PvE we could find at the time.
I’ll be on Atiesh!
My btag is Kirara#1939 if you wanna add me! (Anyone who knows me already, that is. lol)
Hey Falenos NE rogue here!
I still have this character on Maly, generally changed classes after each expansion.
From what I remember one of the few destro warlocks, which was quite silly since all of MC and BWL had major fire resist.
Bdeebahdeeb here
Gonna play tomorrow. Hit me up
NE Priest here, name was Yunika.
Hey EB… Cheetara here… been trying to get most of the guys back for some classic. cant wait
Heyo, i remember playing with eldorado and Nis in eminence.
ArchEternal here. Elunes elite and Eminence
Pvped with eldorado nisaera silenttao raagee and their rogue buds.
Pve’ed with (from the thread) Batou, rockbite, shelley, marianne, thanos, and aerdrie. Others I remember are conundrum, shelendil, zhenruk, bushwickbill, ugg, maomao).
I’ll be playing horde Stalagg with a cpl friends. Hmu at disc: Archeternal#4580
Rudger, I made toons on Atiesh, but am more than willing to switch around
Dwarf Hunter
Raided with Veritas
Ran a 15 hunter Arathi Basin
Menace in trade and LFG chat channels
Not sure if anyone remembers Excalibur or not. I was in that guild during 2004-2006. This toon is still my main. Played with a lot of good folks over the years. I saw someone mention Gonff earlier. One of the first ret pallies before that was a thing.
If anyone remembers Excalibur or was part of it hit me up
Gonff says hello! (He isn’t on the forum but will be playing classic.) We made toons on Atiesh.
I think I might end up making my toon on Westfall since its already medium. Not sure I want to mess with super long queues the first several days of it.
My name got taken on Pagle so I’m trying to get Kith and Rally to come to Atiesh lol.
Blackjak were you in Warrior Princess in the early days? I was a resto druid Canodarkstar back then.
Any Zero Tolerance folks out there?
I believe my character was Spritz
NE Rogue
Elunes Elite