Malygos Alliance Reconnections

Caeser you playing classic?

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Seems like my account is starting to get back up to speed, lol. Took a while to get the kinks worked out.
Anybody remember a Human Warrior Baraak or his wife, NE Priestess Aeia?
I remember a Human Priestess Ayeka as well. I see so many people making connections and now I’m jealous. Guess being remembered isn’t one of the perks of being a soloist, lol

To any and all Dark Order members, looks like we are setting up shop on Pagle! Feel free to add me on Bnet Atif#1271 Cant wait to see you guys in Classic :smiley:

Hey guys, Telson NE hunter. Would love it if we had the guild back together. Who’s gonna start it up and what server?

Hello! Ye olde Belise checking in, Eagle’s Pride represent! Hitting up some PvP server fun this time around =)



Hey. I know a couple peeps are going to play on Pagle Alliance. Any idea what server you’re going ot?

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Alliance Champions, that name brings back memories. I was Laycas, Human Paladin!

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Belmakor here. Human mage. Started in Crusade of Divinity and then moved to Order of Ancients to raid. Remember playing mostly with Holygunner, Noname, and Avine. Probably will be picking up wow classic when it comes out.

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Yes I am, what realm are you planning to play on? I don’t have as much time these days but would love to spend it with people I used to play with

My first toon was Petros (Human Pally) but then I switched to a Rogue. I think the name was Silentbeast or Bladekiller or something like that, but it’s been so long. Was GM of the guild Legends of the Alliance. Look me up on Discord:

I’ve forgotten many things in this life but I think I’ll remember Ugg until my dying breath


Very unlikely but if someone from Apathy sees this I’d love to reconnect. 2005-2006 played a Night Elf Druid of the same name. A lot of PvP and some raiding as an awful healer.

Bastilla! Good to see you again! Cloudx from Vertitas.

I played a rogue back in classic. CloudX Previous guilds… Underground Kingdom, Veritas

Battletag: Simplestfox#1865

Thanos NE Hunter Elunes Elite - Awakened Empire - Eminence
Discord Thanos#4640


Well hello.

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Hey Dayper, I absolutely remember Daypea! We raided together in Fortis. Glad to see its still going!
I was a pally tank - SeJ
Do you happen to remember the Original GM of Fortis it was a mage if my memory is correct :smiley:

Thanks for replying! Ariben doesn’t ring a bell atm but it has been so long haha. Ill rolled on Atiesh server.

Was it Larimus or something along that line? Been so long … some familiar names on this forum.

Hey, it’s Turack. What server are you playing on? :slight_smile:

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