Malygos Alliance Reconnections

wave some of us will be on Pagle

Yeah,I’m absolutely playing! I’m on Pagle suffering ATM.

Hello! I was a dwarf hunter named Igneous and part of the guild Soulbound. Also had a dwarf warrior named Akinnos that was twinked at 49 for a very long time. Then had a draenei shaman named Akinos that was also twinked at 49. Going to be Igneous and Akinos on Stalagg realm East coast!

Looking for Lawlidin or Spirita :slight_smile:

Some of my guild is doing Whitemane horde, but cant get in right now with a 24k que lol

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Well ques are so ridiculous right now don’t know wth I’m going to do. Some of my guild going Atiesh Alliance and some Whitemane Horde it looks like. Was really thinking horde for a different playthrough

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Tallon, as in the NE rogue who destroyed someone in PVP outside of Zul’Jin without your armor and only your daggers? Because that was epic and one of my fave memories as your token druid healer, Kathetay

Hi Soujahz! Hi Day!
I remember you both, Kathetay (druid tree bot)/Melena (rarely seen NE Hunter). My sis just pointed me to your post, her and Sincerus are both kicking around if they can get their authenticators to work again. I miss everyone. I went from our small guild that migrated to Fortis, then to True Blood with Cianne, Don, Dubs. Would love to see Jannis again, or my favorite pink haired gnome Gozeran.
I’m on battlenet under KrunchyRice#1562

Sounds fun! If you get on Atiesh you can find me, under the original name: Thecaeser. I plan on trying it out after some of the chaos dies down…

Yea chaos!

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Hello, hello.
Gonff - human paladin, Mithias - human rogue, and Arrile - night elf hunter. I’ll be playing on Atiesh with my wife under the same names. From Vanilla on, I’ve been through Knights of Dalaran, Eagles Pride, Excalibur, Nemesis, Silent Requiem, a brief stint in Synergy and mostly Apathy up until the release of Cataclysm when I quit. My battle tag is kopaka43#1983.

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Nice, I knew you’d be in here. Tarindrellus NE Druid from Elune’s Elite, AE, SoD checking in…

Tarindrellus NE Druid Elune’s Elite - Awakened Empire - Sparklebunnies of Doom - Eminence as well.

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Aeia and Baraak! I am not sure you two remember, but I was Dwarf Hunter Igneous in Soulbound with my older brother NE Druid Nightshade!!

Discord is 1Akinos1#9181
BT is Akin0s#1474

Ultimecia (gnome warlock) here. Was in Oblivious, Sparklebunnies of Doom, then Arcanum. Played a lot with people from Veritas, Fortis, Eminence, and Awakened Empire. tenchi42#1991 is my bnet tag.

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Ily! Gibon here (from red Phoenix) , of course again playing gnome warlock named Gibon on ashkandi server.

Nightlynx, Night elf druid, day one malygos player =) Still have my original main, though I took about an 11 year break from WoW after WOTLK.

Unfortunately my memory isnt so good, I cant remember a lot of guild or character names. I played with a couple friends from highschool, one of them I think his character was named Coltok? Night elf warrior.

If anyone recognizes me, let me know =P


I’m seeing a few names i recognize going through the thread. I sorta knew Belise, I got to raid with his guild a couple of times as a stand in healer.

I remember the guild names Veritas, Fortis, and Eminence, I tried getting into a couple of those but was never successful since I couldnt put in the time =/

I also recall a certain horde tauren druid named Hidalgo? Hildago? Something like that, that always seemed like my rival in battlegrounds, I always ran into that guy and we had some good druid brawls.

I’m sure everyone remembers the auction house plague, perber >.>

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Tristam from Legends of Azeroth -Paladin

what’s your bnet tag

Sorry man! I’m Deltonnais, I was looking for Aeia or Baraak :slight_smile:

Definitely remember Dehner. Pretty sure I was in Arcanum with Christie my Paladin…not totally sure though.