Malfurion and the Circle

Yeah, that’s right. You got nothin’.

Also people who hashtag outside of Twitter shouldn’t have human rights.


If we made you a Warcraft character you’d be the edgiest one in the lore.

None the less, back to the original post, I view the wild gods and Cenarion circle staying neutral in this war as evidence that the Alliance didnt have the moral high ground you like to think they did. Sending countless assassins and spies to Orgrimmar probably soured the Circle and wild gods taste to intervene.

I doubt the wild gods are even aware of what the Horde and Alliance due for espionage, much less care enough to make judgments about it.

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Some wild gods are more knowledgeable about the world than others. Some Loa for example have extensive cults that gather information about the world around them. Surely some wild gods have the same.

And yes they do make judgements about it, like the August Celestials did for Garrosh.

So the Cenarion Circle, a group of mortals, wouldn’t care about the “political squabble” that the Burning of Teldrassil was to you, but the Alliance sending spies to Orgrimmar (which, mind you, the Horde equally has spies in Stormwind) was something that directly offended the Wild Gods’ themselves? Moreso than the Horde spraying Blight haphazardly through the forest? That’s the narrative you wanna go with?

Will you just swallow a bad narrative if it means the Alliance looks bad? You seem to think I’m super gung-ho about the Alliance having the moral high ground at all times, but it would seem like you care more about the Alliance being entirely morally bankrupt at all times. You seem to care more about the Alliance’s moral standing than I do.

Furthermore, I view the absence of the Cenarion Circle and the Wild Gods in the same vein as the absence of the Vindicaar, which is how Blizzard views it verbatim; it’s not the story they wanted to tell.


The August Celestials were specifically asked to function as judges for Garrosh’s crimes. I doubt they pay attention to politics otherwise.

Shadra has a cult based around espionage because that is how her mortal followers choose to utilize her boons. Shadra herself probably doesn’t care much and hasn’t expressed interest in Alliance and Horde affairs. Loa only get involved when their own followers are at risk.

Wild gods, by and large, care about nature and the safety of Azeroth. They don’t take sides in mortal affairs unless pressed to.


I think we’ve scared him off for now.

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He will return one day. And in greater numbers. We must be ready.


You posted this as soon as I thought to make this exact reference.


Great job with that Sunwell counter attack.


My favorite part is that he ignored it completely because he couldn’t refute it.


Yeah, I am not surprised, his posts always seem to suit his needs, dismissing some events in favor for ones that fit his narrative.

Also he is typing, Elune save us


Ok, not gonna lie…this made me laugh quite a bit, thank you for that, I’ve been laughing for the better part of 5 minutes. That was good for my soul.

Also im not sure what there is to refute about the Sunwell thing, the Sunwell was not made with the claim of being tied to nature, while actually being an abomination to nature.

It actually contained waters from a certain Well that almost obliterated us, but y’know, read my previous post.


Your assertion is that even though Teldrassil was fully purified, blessed by the Aspects of Life and Nature, and straight up inhabited and defended by Malfurion (even though he once said at a time it was an abomination), none of that is actually valid at all because it had “unnatural beginnings.”

Logically speaking, the Sunwell should likewise be destroyed again because it was corrupted by the forces of death AND derives from the infamous Well of Eternity like Alternatel pointed out, even though Velen himself purified it with the heart of a Naaru.

Except you won’t admit that, because the Sunwell is a Horde icon, and Teldrassil is an Alliance icon.


Also worth noting is that the Sunwell is apparently so volatile that Alleria merely being near it is enough to nearly corrupt the thing into a Void well that spews forth shadow abominations into Azeroth.

It is… Kind of a ticking time bomb.

As a druid I feel strongly that we should slap a tree on it. For safety. A safety tree.


That was disconcerting honestly. I should note, I don’t WANT the Sunwell destroyed or corrupted (I’m just makin’ a point), so to see that it’s so fragile after the triumphant ending of BC was a bit of a spook.


Its an apples to oranges comparison. Look, the world tree is Nordrassil, if that one gets destroyed, we might see some bad things happen to the world. Teldrassil was an unauthorized experiment by Fandral that the aspects put a bandaid on, we dont even know its status after Cata.

Considering the Aspects lost their powers in the same expansion, we dont even know if the “blessing” they put on the tree was even still active past Cata.

My point is, the only thing I can see the circle getting involved over, was the deaths of the night elves on the tree, not the burning of the tree it self, and even then, there has been many other wars and genocides on Azeroth where the Cenarion Circle didnt intervene.

Yes, Naaru cores can be shifted to a Void state. Thats probably the only kind of corruption the Sunwell is vulnerable to, and thats only due to the dynamic between light and void.

All the more reason to slap a tree on the thing. Then to deal with your addiction we can take diluted water from the Sunwell and place them into smaller, less powerful wells scattered around Eversong. We can call them… Starwells? No that still has night time connotations…

Hmm. Lightwells, maybe? That works.

Then you can all convert to the one true faith: Druidism.

It is the perfect solution to all our problems.