Malfurion and the Circle

Did he sever all the connections he made with the Circle? Or did he give up leadership like Jaina with the Kirin Tor?

Because he started to openly murder Horde at the beginning of BfA. I don’t think the Circle would appreciate that.

I think you’re thinking about it more than Blizzard has.


Pretty much this. Also…

He’s the leader of that organization and not a single member come close to the power he has. The tauren and trolls will just have to deal with it.


There’s no council to out vote Malfurion.

With the Night Elves reassembling at Mount Hyjal, and seeing Tholo and Anren together still in Mount Hyjal during the Heart of Azeroth quest chain, I believe it is pretty safe to say Malfurion is still the leader of the Cenarion Circle and he doesn’t hold anything against the Horde Cenarion Circle members, as they didn’t participate in the War of the Thorns, factoring in that Malfurion himself deployed the Cenarion Circle to Silithus before the war in Before the Storm.


Y’know I noticed them, but it never clicked with me the implications of them still hanging together. That’s encouraging tbh.


Pretty sure that the Cenarion druids are more pissed off about a certain campfire the Horde had than they are about Malfurion killing a few Hordies while invading (and Blighting) Night Elf territory.


It’s already out of character that the Circle does not condemn Sylvanas and the Horde for their actions. It would be grossly misrepresentative if they actually kicked Malfurion out for protecting Night elf lands.


I feel like if anything the members of the Cenarion Circle originating from the Horde would have been like “the hell you people doing?” and thrown their lot in with the Circle full time.


The Cenarion circle does not tolerate petty squabbles over political reasons. Nor does the circle care that Fandral Staghelms evil unnatural tree got burned down.


That tree hasn’t been considered unnatural for years. Not to mention the desecration the Horde was doing wasn’t limited to Teldrassil.


“Petty squabbles for political reasons” is Horde talk for “Don’t punish us for the bad things we do”.


If Blizzard had actually pulled through with the whole “neither side is good or bad”, it would make sense for these neutral factions to maintain their neutrality. But when Blizzard is pushing “Alliance good, Horde evil” so hard, it’s tough to find a good reason for everyone to be sitting this one out.


When will you get it through your thick skull that Teldrassil wasn’t unnatural and evil? It was literally blessed by Alexstrasza and Ysera herself, the latter of which was extremely well-respected by druids everywhere.

Also petty squabbles over political reasons? I guess the genocide of Quel’thelas and the scouring of the surrounding area was just a heated debate between Arthas and Anasterian then. You’re bein’ purposefully dishonest again. It’s not cute.


I can see his wife pressuring him to bring them in for executions and torture.

It would be a delicious irony if we had to put Tyrande down like a rabid dog.

Ugh, no more. Give the Kaldorei their immortality back and say they lived happily ever after, and then just go back to ignoring them. Nothing good will come from more conflict or acting like Tyrande’s lukewarm desire for revenge against the Horde (remember that she’ll call it off if the peace agreement is written in Sylvanas’s blood) is anything but rational.


Alexstrasza and Ysera Blessed Teldrassil


It seems that some of the Class Halls have splintered this expansion (for example, Rexxar and Liadrin actively joining the war cause against the Alliance), while others seem to have remained more or less intact.

The Cenarion Circle are an odd organization. They kind of accept that their druids are also members of the factions and have obligations toward said factions when war time breaks out. It is normal for druids to still partake in the faction conflicts to defend their homes and people, but they don’t let it effect their work as druids of the Cenarion Circle.

Malfurion fighting to defend his people and homeland against the Horde is completely okay by the Cenarion’s own rules. Even expected.


And in The Shattering novel, some Cenarion Circle kaldorei druids were so enraged by the butchering of Sentinels (which they blamed wrongly on the Horde at the time) that they nearly cut off their ties with the tauren.


To be fair, Archdruid Renferal had already been fighting the Horde at Alterac Valley.

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