Malfurion and the Circle

They kinda did. Most of the Druids are trying to figure out that whole sword sticking out of the planet thing.


I was under the impression evil tree got fixed and was non-evil.


It was, both Ysera and Alex blessed the Tree, but some people aren’t either caught up with the lore, or seem to remember what suits their needs.


Burning Teldrassil isn’t even the problem anyways. I imagine not many would be overly upset that the monument to Fandral’s arrogance burned down.

The thing people are upset about are the thousands of innocent people that burned with it.


It’s funny how Horde players keep talking about the tree and not the city full of civilians that got burnt with it. It’s almost like they are deliberately avoiding it because it ruins their “did nothing wrong” angle that they insist on pushing.


And most people aren’t even counting the various sapient non-elf races that had been living in its boughs. Burning Teldrassil didn’t just burn a city down; it wiped out an entire region-wide ecosystem along with everyone and everything living in it, night elf or otherwise.


Indeed. Mylune would be heart broken.

Forget the night elves, we failed the wee little animals!

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Well, I was thinking more along the lines of the furbolgs, Ancients, harpies, etc. who had their own societies scattered throughout the tree’s branches.


For a Druid you surely like ignoring that it was blessed by Ysera the Dreamer.

I am pretty sure he was being sarcastic.

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It was a blessing over a night elven tree that only benefited the night elves. I don’t see why I should care that it was blessed when my Darkspear druid doesn’t get the benefits of said blessing.

At that point it is more of a neat lore fact than something important that needs to be preserved.

Partially sarcasm and partially paying homage to one of my favorite questing NPCs. I adore Mylune.

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Regardless it was a choice made by the Guardian of the Wilds herself. Yet people love calling the Tree corrupted and stuff when it was cleansed AND blessed afterwards by both the Aspect of Life and the Dreamer/Awakened.

Way less annoying than Lunara, that’s for sure.


I never said it was corrupted. I said it was a monument to Fandral’s arrogance. Which it was. He grew the tree as a one up on Malfurion and in an attempt to regain night elven immortality from the Aspects even though it served no purpose to the greater world.

Ysera and Alexstrasza later blessed it in part so that it wouldn’t be corrupted later and in part because it was a remarkable work of druidism and a majestic expression of natural beauty. Which are fair reasons to bless it, I suppose. But that at best makes it a very large art project.

It was an attempt to make something good out of Fandral’s mistake. But the tree itself has no natural function in the world the way Nordassil does.

Losing the tree wasn’t the huge blow that all druids should be up in arms over. Losing the people absolutely is. Which is why arguing the tree deserved to be burned is just a bad argument to begin with. It was never about the tree.


It was the home of a variety of wildlife. Even if it was a monument to Fandral’s arrogance, it’s still a tree, it’s still nature.

Of course not, but they should at least be horrified to see such a big tree burn.


The island existed before the tree did. The island held life of its own before they grew a giant tree on it. The ecological losses of the island are certainly cause for concern, but like the loss of the night elves that is separate from the loss of the tree itself.

As for it being nature… I guess it depends on what you consider natural. Is an unnaturally large tree grown through the use of mortal magicians really natural? Was it really right to grow that tree over an existing ecosystem? If it never grew naturally is it really such a shame that it is gone?

I just have a hard time seeing it as a massive loss in and of itself. Especially since if Fandral and some druids grew it the first time we can almost certainly grow another if we really need to.

That said, I did love Darnassus and will miss it. Teldrassil was one of my favorite zones when I played a night elf.


there’s an entire squad of druids mauling horde in the book.

Should spark civil druid war or something. But it didn’t because war is over and we all friends now,

I dont care how many dragon aspects “blessed” it. It was an unnatural creation of Staghelm, that in Vanilla darkshore quests was driving the local sea life to madness and death. The fact that the aspects cleansed it, doesnt change the fact that its base design was an abomination. The problem was inherent to the design of the tree itself.

Oh look a Rivendel post, why am I not surprised.


Yes we know, “muh perfect tree must be perfect”. Never mind Malfurion him self stated is was an abomination to nature.

So I guess we should blow up the Sunwell next because it was once corrupted, right? We can completely discard that it was purified.

Or hey! The base design for Azeroth is infested with Old Gods! Let’s blow that up too while we’re at it!

Get real.



Destroy everything!