Malfurion and the Circle

So you admit then that the tree was not an “unnatural abomination” that should’ve been destroyed like you originally tried to push? Furthermore, you conveniently seem to have ignored the discrepancy between the Cenarion Circle not getting involved after the Burning (a “political squabble” as you put it), and the Wild Gods apparently getting angry with the Alliance for putting spies in Orgrimmar (which the Horde did in Stormwind as well).

Be consistent with your wild headcanons at the very least.

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Teldrassil was planted by Fandral, apparently in cahoots with Xavius, the nightmare lord. From this we can infer it was likely intended as part of some Old God conspiracy to bring about their escape and drive the world to madness and death.

I would actually love it if druids became playable for blood elves.

Fandral and Xavius’s involvement with each other did not take place until Stormrage (which takes place WELL after Teldrassil was planted and established), which ironically was the same book in which the potential corruption of the tree (which was a symptom of several World Trees and not unique to Teldrassil) was completely purified to the point that Ysera - who would know better than anyone if it were clean - decided it was worth her blessing.

Past that, the entire questline of Darkshore confirms to us that the last remnants of corruption have been quashed. Even FURTHERMORE, the reasons for its burning had absolutely nothing to do with stopping the Old Gods - it was just to cause obscene amounts of death.

So really, all you’ve offered is a weak headcanon that the lore can easily refute. Try again.


All we know is, that we do not know what the Status of Teldrassil was after Cata, the aspects lost their powers, and likely their blessing fizzled out when their powers did.

At some point in the future it may have been nescessary to destroy the tree, though obviously without the night elves still on it.

That’s just a “what if?” scenario with no actual basis in concrete lore, a hopeful headcanon, and not really relevant at all to your original argument or Alternatel’s post. I could easily say that we might need to blow up the Sunwell because it derives from a Well that was used to invite the Legion in, or that we should blow up Azeroth because we don’t know if the Old Gods should stay dead.

“It might be a problem someday” can be applied to literally everything in lore. What you’ve posted is a goalpost shift because you don’t want to admit you were wrong.


I dont see how I can be wrong, If we have no explanation for why the Cenarion circle and wild gods didnt intervene, I wont be wrong until the Authors decide, if ever, to explain the inaction of these factions.

You certainly won’t be right either. But you shifted the goalpost several times to attain maximum incorrectness on several topics that can be verified as incorrect. It’s like you got the high score in misinformation.

Hell, we haven’t been talking about the Cenarion Circle or he Wild Gods for a few responses now, you’re just reverting back to that to change the subject.


Sadly that’s not the case. The whole Vanilla-era Morrowgrain questline was foreshadowing of the Stormrage reveal that Fandral had been poisoning the slumbering Malfurion with said herbs to conceal his - and Xavius’ - plans as far back as early WoW, if not even before.

We don’t actually have a hard timeline for precisely when Xavius began manipulating Fandral, but as it at least predates most if not all of WoW, it’s possible (not definite, but not impossible either) that the creation of Teldrassil itself may have been to some degree informed by his visions of the Nightmare Lord posing as his son Valstann.

It’s not outright stated how long ago Fandral actually grafted a branch from Xavius’ tree “prison” to the world tree, but there’s some implication that the corruption problems faced by Teldrassil from its inception may have been a result of that all along.

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Fair enough then about Fandral and Xavius, I can admit I was wrong there. However, the point still stands that following Stormrage, the tree was considered valid enough for Ysera’s stamp of approval. So claims of corruption become largely moot.

So now that you don’t have any actual backed source for your incoherence you resort to headcanon? Pathetic


It’s either that or he calls you poor.

Hmm, well if my theory is so “pathetic” then fine. I tried to give the circle and wild gods a reasonable explanation for staying neutral. But if you wish we can just go to the default, the Cenarion circle and wild gods do not care at all about the burning of Teldrassil or the loss of the night elf civilians.

By that logic, the Vindicaar doesn’t exist.


I prefer that the battery just ran out some time during BfA and it crash landed in some remote region.

Logically there can only be 2 explanations for why the wild gods didnt help the night elves. 1. The night elves did something to displease the wild gods. 2. The wild gods just didnt care.

My theory was 1. and I find it to be the more reasonable of the two.

More headcanons. I’m uninterested. Nobody is interested in your headcanons, especially when you can be daft enough to think they’d care about spies in Orgrimmar.

More logical reasons? Something’s up in the Dream/Ardenweald, or they’re attending to something worse.

For the love of god, put some effort into a post just ONCE past “bLuE sUx.” Use that superior brain and higher financial status you claim to have over all of us plebeians. Stop shifting the goalpost when you’re faced with something you can’t refute with outright lies.


What lies exactly? I provide theories I like, then you take that to mean that im making a claim that I insist is true. At the moment, I do not insist my theories are true, nor is there any evidence that they are not true. Them being lies is a flight of fancy on your part.

Don’t backpedal now. You call them theories now, but you’re plenty content to provide stuff that bashes the other team as damning proof, while gleefully ignoring anything that can be deflected back.

I can hear criticism about the Alliance, and even make some pretty harsh ones myself. But all I hear from you is baseless rambling, desperately hoping people will take them as true. And if they don’t, maybe you can call them poor!


Long story short, no amount of player ‘logic’ is going to explain away the idiocy most of the actions (and inactions) taken by characters and organizations in BFA were forced to commit in order for the story Blizzard wanted to tell to be able to happen.

At the end of the day expecting any kind of follow up or consequences not to just be hand-waved away is kind of naive at this point.


Genn thought that if given enough time Mia would have evacuated at least all the rabbits off of Teldrassil, too.