Malefic Cores, can now not be caught up

sure man lol

Once again, you saying they should quit their job to get a “normal” raid schedule?

You have to work with what you’re given.

And it would still hurt NO ONE to allow better catchup, it would still take weeks to get a fully upgraded cloak.

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sighs i never said that anyone had to quit their job to play a video game… the point i made was that at the end of the day your schedule is on you. cant blame the company or lack of guilds who support your time.

and no it wouldnt hurt anyone but its a legendary. why have they ever allowed people to just skip so the same level as the next player. if you go back most of the questlines are still in tact and take weeks of farming.

24% of Accounts. Alts can be traced by Achievement Metrics and data matching.

Check out “Check-pvp fr” People complain about it all the time, as it lists everyone of your alts whether you like it or not.

You guys WAY underestimate, the power of data matching with as much stuff is Account bound on WOW. They can run all characters though the system, macth achievement dates ect.

No 2 players will have 50 achievements on the exact same day, and even if they do they still have Pets, mounts, and 100s of more achievements. They can match each alt you have using the system, they do do this.

Wowhead likely gets it given to them tbh. However Check Pvp is a small site, and they def do not. Its more of a example of how not hard it is to do that. They do it on all a smaller scope, and doesnt work perfect for non rated chars, but other sites using more hardware, do deeper scans.

That would be the only way. Your schedule is definitely not on you. Most jobs aren’t ones where you just say “hey, i’m working days now, k?” and the boss is like sure.

You’re forgetting you can hide yourself from the external api now AND like I said, China (an extremely large amount of players) has not had a working external API in a long time.

And yes, 2 players can definitely get the same achievements in the same day, if there is enough players. There’s only so many account bound achievements.

You cannot hide yourself from Armory data, which is what they use to get the numbers for active players.

The armory still has in the back end coding, stuff you do. Drops you receive, Bosses you kill, Mythics you do, BG wins, ect. They can track the last time you played (roughly) and match all your characters with Armory data, that you cannot restrict.

Yes, you can, if you hide your armory external sites cannot track you.

None of this info is accurate, it’s like relying on wowpop to get the population. Or extrapolating the data from number of mythic boss kills.

You cannot hide your Armory data? How do you hide armory data lol?

Wowpop does not use your personal data, they use data from the AH API, which is not restricted, they are not using your unique data. They dont list number of accounts, but of Players. That is also 100% accurate.

World of Wargraphs, uses rating and boss kills, so that metric is useful for people actively participating in End Game play.

You are confused, by what blocking API does for you.

You’re not even right on that, wow pop uses data from the wowcensus addon. Pretty sure the site went down anyway.

Are you saying Blizz only read threads that has higher views? instead of the latest thread on top of the list?

That seems very unlikely though since the forum is sort by latest on default.

Sorry I thought you meant wow realm pop, never heard of that one.

That site seems to only be for classic, which is coded differently.

Still waiting on the way to block Armory data?

This thread is now over.

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Bad idea…

If you block your armory external sites cannot track you, they will tell you you need to make your profile public.

you dont give your schedule when you apply??? oof

yup, just saw that, not how I would have done it, but it works.

not every job has that option, and sometimes you have to take what you can get.

If the only job offer you’ve gotten in 3 months is night shift, you just going to pass it up?

Agreed, not the best option but it will have to do.

Now I got till July 7th to max out resist and farm up enough for 5x gushing. Going to be hard, but doable.

WE did it BOYS!!!