Malefic Cores And Catching Up With Corruption Resistance

Prob cuz your gear is god awful and you have no idea what’s going on. Your main is 435, you don’t even play the game LOL

It’s almost like they could release some content in between then like they were going to in order to avoid burnout.

I think they were going to call it “8.3.5”.

They can find the game boring, even if they have a lower ilvl than you.


Duh. Because it’s BORING. This expac is craptastic. If my opinion triggers you so much, maybe you should go outside.


yeah you don’t get to have opinions unless you actually play the game.

And yet I do. LOL. How does that make you feel?

It never had anything to do with attracting new players. That was their rationale for level scaling, that the only reason we weren’t getting new players was because the game didn’t have level scaling.

So they made leveling way more boring instead and took away lots of options people enjoyed.

It only has to do with them creating the wow game of the future, where people have no options and will obediently play as commanded.

Wait… theres a Mail box mount?

getting the cloak isn’t hard’s just time consuming.
getting rank 15 might be slightly harder but even still, shouldn’t be impossible. and the cosmetics are the real prize because its something that can carry on being usable in Shadowlands.
that said, reaching 120+ corruption resistance will certainly see player power double even without a 8.3.5

Blizzard is just encouraging healthy interaction with their games. They know they can’t offer nothing or they’ll get in trouble. So they sneakily offer pointless and boring content with a side of adverse FOMO. Magnificent scoundrels.

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Oh honey, there is no point in talking to someone like you. All you see is what those rose colored glasses allow. Good day to you.

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but it almost seems cruel to bait completionists who need therapy and not more meaningless content.

perhaps tracing the grain on wood floors would be a better activity…

Right?? Where’s my Kanai’s cube blizzard?

Nope try again.

That means they actually put that extra time they bought in WotLk at the start to finish WotLk strong.

BFA finishes with a whimper.

I have issues with WoW. But if gear I took time getting replaced by green come next expansion was one, I wouldn’t be talking to you right now.

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With a year inside ICC and almost no world content added all expansion (some jousting)?

Ulduar is cool, but ICC is a pretty standard raid art style and design.

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Where are the positive diablo features in WoW? If mythic + is it then no wonder WoW sucks right now as it takes the worst aspects of diablo and none of the good features.

Yes WoW is becoming more of a rail roaded experience. But to me I am not sure who they are designing the game anymore.

If a diablo player comes to WoW they see it is an inferior version of diablo.

If a GW player comes to WoW they see an inferior version of scaling and travel systems. Same with ESO and FF.

In terms of gear progression diablo, GW, ESO and FF all do better.

In terms of buttons with meaningful cool downs LoL/DoTA do it better than WoW.

WoW fails to excel at anything and when the GCD went through it undermined one of its crown jewels which was fast, fluid and fun combat.


really? this lazy? can’t even make a simple quest for cores like we already have for the upgrade ranks? i.e. you get a quest from Wrathion, he offers you to get a “eye of nzoth” the eye of nzoth drops from nzoth or from the full clear box… the quest is offered as many times as there are weeks unlocked up to that point… simple and allows a quick catch up if someone so desired…

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Think of all the time you would have saved if you came to this realization when the warfronts were dropping 370s.

Artifact weapons and on-use essences…