Malefic Cores And Catching Up With Corruption Resistance

Yeah lol Activision-Blizzard is really Recyclevision-Blizzard at this point.


My comment was a poke at Wrath actually.

I predict the level squish is going to backfire. It is going to drive more vet players away than it attracts new players IMO.

The level squish is being done to hide the fact that they haven’t added new abilities or talents since the MoP/WoD era.

BFA leveling from 110-120 felt pointless.


Yeah lol no excuse for Ony but at least with Naxx most people didnt even set foot in it.

Yup which is why it made sense for what they did at the start of WotLK.

Yeah and really all it takes is one weekly invasion completion and you have enough for at a minimum one per week.

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I think so too. Knowing how quick they are to cut corners and push unfinished content out the door, I am anticipating major issues with the level squish and i have 0 expectations for Shadowlands.

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Umm… people were doing Mythic dungeons just fine before the cape sooooo…….

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Sounds like an excuse to massively cut rid art asset creation. Reskin something g from vanilla and make another raid all in 1 small room.

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Not with Corruption they weren’t. Also go ahead and get you a group without a cape. I’ll wait. You could use your own key sure but then what? You just get carried? Lol you will NEVER out compete that cape because the game has since been designed around it. Corruption is where the stats are now and without the cape it is literal suicide to use corruption at any meaningful level.


Carbine Studios did that with WildStar. First it was a total gear reset when it went F2P. If you think people get annoyed here when a new raid tier obviates current gear, just wait til you’ve seen people get told to just start the current tier over again haha.

Then after that they added a “raid+” deal with some kind of artifact you’d level up to do harder raids, and then stopped releasing raids.

The second thing was obviously because they weren’t capable of making more content with their skeleton crew, but the first thing was just pure “because f*** you that’s why.” Carbine Studios was a clown fiesta the likes of which even Blizzard can’t match.


I spend 30mins once a week doing cloak related things and mine is max level. Sounds like a you problem.

Perfect time to unsub until the next xpac.

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Probably a dev lead that does little to nothing outside of raiding I would imagine.

Why remove PVP vendors because people can’t find them, and then introduce titan residium and honorbound badge vendors? Island Doubloon vendor? Makes me think they are just lying to the playerbase.


If you make the gear drop with RNG instead of a clear way to farm them, you can’t be done farming. Same with PVP trinkets being BiS for several PVE specs. If you can get those that easily, that means you wont play anymore, in their eyes I am guessing.

There is 0 reason to remove pvp vendors other than they do not want you to advance your character on your terms. You will play on their terms or you just wont play I guess. I know once I saw that the PVP trinkets were BiS for my paladin for the longest time I just zoned out and eventually quit. Then I come back and see that some of the classes I want to play I have to play arena and bg’s to get the best essences for my class and I still dont want to PVP. So, guess what…sub runs out in a couple days. who do you think is letting it lapse for awhile? I dont think it is worth paying these people for awhile for a game that is poorly made while also being thought of as a moron by the current dev team.

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in 6 months the cloak will go in your bank and you will wonder why you didn’t go outside more, exercise, talk to friends and have a life…


No one said anything about them taking time, I said they were BORING. Reading comprehension… sounds like a you problem.

People will argue points you don’t even have to make. Yikes.

I’m expecting the Sunwell raid to be re-released just like Naxx.


Can’t find the vendors was a joke.

The reason there aren’t vendors like before is due to the removal of a “PvP” stat. PvP gear is just like any other gear and great in PvE. Until that goes back to not being the case, vendors aren’t coming back.