Malefic Cores And Catching Up With Corruption Resistance

And warmode skills.

Those are being deleted for shadowlands!

Not really the same thing, those items has use in the current tier but also prepared you for the next content… whereas here like all other xpacs though it is only useful for the current tier… but i get what you’re saying… this isn’t anything new since the game was began… loot don’t last forever! gotta give you some other reason to push more cash into their machine… i just hope they find better ways than this awful xpac… need to re-hire the legion team minus the guy that thought titan forging was a good idea and that getting rid of sets was a great idea…

And replaced with new ones. You wouldn’t want them to re-use old content would you? I thought you hated when they recycled content…

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The new ones will be deleted!

Meanwhile I have had the same talent grid since MoP.

Evergreen content and systems > rentals systems of legion and BFA.

I can safely conclude that the rental systems of legion and bFA = one giant flop.


Remember when blizzard tried to take existing specs like survial and combat and make meaningful changes…

It went over great… except for when people complained about change…

MoP/ WoD lost half this game’s player base, but yeah, Legion was the flop… lol.

If they had a limit on the cape that didn’t change, catch up would be easier, but I appreciate the ability to catch up since I don’t have my cloak yet. Not sure how the mechanism works (like many of the crazy systems at the end of the game), so I hope it’s not going to take me 8 weeks to catch up to 15 and another and anuther 4 weeks to catch up to the new cap. Three months to catch up seems excessive - but then again I don’t know how this works yet.

I wish they would discard the mentality “more time played is good,” because it’s not always good. If it’s mundane and repetitive, I would have more fun working on an alt. It’s almost as bad as the other terrible assumptions: “Spec Identity” is better than “class identity,” and RNG is good for the health of the game.

Jeeze. Sometimes I think Ion in TRYING to tank the game. No joke.

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Chiming in that I love spec identity over class identity.

Even though I’m enjoying classic it’s one of the things I don’t like there. Everything is samey for a given class since nearly every ability is shared.

Others like the class stuff though so it what it is.

During Legion someone linked to an old “now hiring” ad from Blizzard that appeared to be hiring a psychologist to develop the program we have here now. They target player demographics that are easily manipulated, and exploit the heck out of them.

Example: who knew there would be such demand for dozens of new races that players would complete loads of old content, grind many reps to exalted, and level new toons over and over again, and demand more opportunity to repeat this?


To get an extra 125 that’s another 42 weeks.

Rough guess but shadowlands will probably be out by then.


That’s probably because they didn’t do to you what they did to Hunters. I played a Monk after they ruined my Hunter. It was a fun class. All three specs offered a unique experience. The different was that it was designed that way from the very start.

You are right. Everyone who posts on the forum has only played that one single class the entire game.

I didn’t get mage tower appearances on 6 guys or anything.

I wasn’t trying to be contrite. I mained a ranged Survival hunter for about 10 years (but I played a lot of classes as alts). The Legion pre-patch broke my heart. They even took our traps because “spec identity.” They eventually, and reluctantly, gave some of them back. I still don’t have my main class/spec so you can understand why I’m not overly fond of “spec identity.”

They used it to justify some of the worst pruning of the game, because they didn’t want two specs to have the same abilities because they wouldn’t feel special.

Personally, I didn’t care if 4 other specs or classes had similar abilities. When I used that ability to do something cool, it was a good feeling. Spec identity took that away.


This is one of the few “infinite grinds” that I don’t mind in the slightest. You can cope with 15 minutes a week.

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Yes! There is. It’s called Mail Muncher, and it’s … spiky.

There’s also the Wicked Swarmer mount available from Wrathion. I’m determined to get both of them.


Of all the posts in this thread, this is the one you reply to… no wonder the game is ran into the ground.


I didn’t know they allowed you guys to actually speak to us. You are not going to get in trouble are you? I got your back if they do.

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Could you reconsider this part and allow me to get one from LFR? It could drop until rank 15 but maybe not after that. I am only asking because my alts would love an easy catch up.


They’ve only added parts of what made Diablo work, and those parts don’t work on their own.


It’s not a grind. 15-30 minutes weekly is nothing. It’s a weekly chore.

Do it every week or you’ll fall behind… Then again, what’s the point of maxing out in September? So you can wear one extra Corruption piece for a month or two?

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