Malefic Cores And Catching Up With Corruption Resistance

They are afraid because that is what has always happened in the past. They are trying to give people a reason to stay and play. You actually have a problem with that? If you don’t want to stay and play, don’t do it. I actually appreciate having something to do.

I started doing WoD apexis dailies. More interesting than a lot of the dailies of patch 8.3. LMAO.

And apexis dailies in WoD were and still are boring but still offer more value than the current dailies of patch 8.3. Sad.


Yeah its a pretty sad state of affairs. Especially knowing there will be 3-4 months after cloak cap of still nothing to do.

I think they realized how quickly people stopped doing dailies and assaults once they have enough vessels to hit rank 15.

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Or people just see that it takes more effort than they want to put forth to care and just quit entirely.

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Absolutely. Really all you need is rank 12 and you are good for the rest of the xpac or til you unsub.

The content is horrible and i can fully appreciate why people are not doing it.

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Ugg I hope we are all wrong about this but it’s just too easy to see what ActiBlizz is doing. How a company can function and be so oblivious is beyond me. This crap isn’t fun it is tedious. I hate that the team there is so tunnel visioned on a small hand full of events in the game. (Raids, Reputation, Infinite flavor of the month resource ex: Artifact power, Heart of Azeroth, Cape grind, etc.)

Like come on man if you don’t want to balance around other aspects then hire more people to do that dirty work for you. Get a PVE director and a PVP director. Get managers for each of the game modes such as mythic+, Raids, WQs. Why is it hard? Obviously this one team or person handling all of this CANNOT handle it. The bias in content is blatant and sucking the fun out of the game.

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I have started it on 3 different characters across 2 servers. I get to the part where I start doing visions and then…I quit because it just isnt that much fun.

They did the same thing at the end of legion so yeah the end of BFA is a test bed for shadowlands.

Relic and traits = Azerite armor and traits. So obvious they are recycling at this point.

Yeah i have ran with up to 3 masks so far solo and its just annoying. You get an overlap and you just sit there and watch your toon die.

Its totally Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde from the NES where the bolt of lightning out of nowhere just kills you instantly.

I know i could grind it out but why… its not enjoyable or really that challenging. In fact its like they were designed to piss you off. At least the mage tower was an interesting encounter that you could plan for.

The gear is pointless right now with level scaling as well. Great my world quests take just as long at 465ilvl as they did at 445.

Whoever made these decisions that have made all progression pointless needs a major demotion.


Bingo. Of course some folks will say “you’re crazy, it’s only 20 minutes per week you lazy bums!!”

Thing is, it’s not really even about the time spent doing it… It’s the time gating. You get a little blip each week and then you wait again. Rinse and repeat for 30 weeks?

The only people who will keep up with that will be the ones who were going to be logging in every week already.


This is such a hard concept for people…

Blizzard creates a hard cap: Omg content drought nothing to do, this game sucks.

Blizzard creates an optional system to allow players to keep growing so they have something to do until the next content patch: Omg infinite grind, this game sucks.


That is when the game died for me this expansion. When you realize nothing you do truly matters, ever. There is nothing we do in this game now that means anything. Gear doesn’t matter. Character progress doesn’t matter. The world doesn’t matter. There is never an end point, a point that makes you feel you have accomplished something. It is the worst feeling for an MMO. This is literally diablo on a different scale.


Absolutely. Remember when they said they implemented the GCD because they were worried about repetitive strain injury.

This expansion has been a million times worse because what of what you just outlined.

Things are taking more time than ever just for the sake of it. The lack of character progression i think is the largest detriment the game has ever seen. Its basically communism of equal suffering by all. There is just no reason for it.


The current diablo B team betrays all principles of MMORPG design with current WoW. All we can do is to keep pointing it out.

The funny thing is that current WoW took some of the worst aspects of Diablo but without any of the perks of playing diablo which feels bad.


You’ve got an awesome character name (and hopefully you’ve tamed a green squig pet) so I can’t disagree too hard, but I think we all know that there are degrees here. It’s not a binary “content drought” or “endless grind” choice.

There’s actually a lot to do in WoW these days. We’ve got endlessly scaling dungeons, PvP, and all kinds of other stuff to do. They don’t need to add time-grinds like we have here, because all that does is add a barrier between people and the existing content that only grows taller the longer someone waits to take a character over it.

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They are creating parity by keeping base power low and forcing rented power that provides RNG procs to support that parity. What they have effectively done with class design, gear and systems in general is lowered the ceiling while keeping everyone near the floor. Feels bad to not be able to grow player power with some lasting value.

Hell if it was actually optional it would be great but your mistake is the fact that it is not optional. Go ahead and try to play WoW without that stupid cape. See if you can get past mythic 5 or even in a group let alone 10-15+. See just how much rating you can scrape up in arenas lol. God help you if you try a regular BG or RBG. I know no raid groups want a capeless/corruptionless player. It isn’t happening.

Exactly, its been my biggest complaint and why this expansion is so aggrevating.

Legion had a bit of scaling but it was only for the most recent zone, they didnt scale up everything behind it.

Its almost like they want people to unsub because there is no real reason to progress. There is no progression except for an artificial feeling. There is essentially no progression - sure you can do a “harder” raid category or a “15+” mythic keystone but thats it. The progression is for applications outside the game, raiderio score or warcraft logs… that is the new progression.

Frankly, who even cares about either of them.


If you don’t think they actually track time played and take that metric seriously you’re being woefully ignorant.

They literally report it at ATVI investor meetings.


Pretty soon they’ll be recycling entire raids as the new tier!

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