Malefic Cores And Catching Up With Corruption Resistance

This one is also nearly identical to the last 2 expansion weekly ring (WoD) and trinket (Legion) upgrades for killing Archimond and Argus respectively.

And has the option to be done solo.

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I like doing horrific visions but corruption resistance by 3 for a full clear?

That feels really, really…unrewarding.


This is what it has come to IMVHO.


How about a pvp way to get a core?!?!?! Gives people a 3rd they can get a week if they’re behind and people can do the content they want to do.


How realistic is it to have that many corruption effects, though? The one good one I found takes up 75 corruption on it’s own

I mean, sure, increasing the resistance is great…if another corruption effect ever drops

I dunno, think I’d be just fine with the rank 15 cloak, although i’d go for full clears for better loot and such regardless

ngl, it’s stuff like this is why I haven’t pre-ordered Shadowlands. I have zero-faith the money will be used to make Shadowlands like MoP or Legion and instead just be sent to Acti-Blizz investors as dividends.

We need some actual meat on how Shadowlands class design, endgame and alt-friendliness are going to be. If you guys somehow manage to actually make the RPG systems in the game usable again (make professions part of the game economy again) or improve the server performance, all the better.

Until then, Shadowlands is staying unpurchased. The pre-order incentives are not enough to hop from one burning Hindenburg to another.


guess what, come SL you most likely to be grinding Anima.

Not interested in getting the cloak or running visions. Too many rental power systems this expansion.


Why only two? I spend 4 weeks away on oil rigs for work, then have 4 off. Wouldn’t it be better to keep to the current system where you can catch up to cap with no restrictions beyond actually getting the vessels?


They are 8.2 content? So they don’t work and effect your class currently?

That line of reasoning only works if you’ve gotten your essences where you want them, never took a break in WOW, and have no desire to play alts competitively at this point in the Expac

Wait? Mages can solo HV’s easily? All the data I’ve seen suggests otherwise. Serious question.

You can pretty much auto attack a no mask full clear once you max the research.

The final buff is insane.


Yes I see very much worth all the effort hmm yes quite…


Rad! So if I get an R3 to drop I can essentially negate its effect after 25 weeks of trivial activity. Wooooo!


What is the odds that it is also…AP. lol AP, AP, AP. At this point I dont know whether to laugh or be sad.

Yeaa idk. The cloak grind is starting to get boring.

Might just play another class. I dunno.

Game gets uglier and uglier as time goes on. Gives me less and less hope for Shadowlands.


I started leveling alts and then thought to myself…why? Never had that question before hit me.


Well that is the thing.

The rental system of patch 8.3 undermines the point of the rental systems of patch 8.2 . But as other have correctly pointed out people feel that the rentals of patch 8.2 has greater value and thus priority in terms of time investment.

There is X amount of hours per day for players and players must prioritize what they want to do.

The lack of respect for player time is the big problem with rental systems or rental systems competing with other rental systems in the same expansion.


Yes! It’s very demeaning to try and enjoy the game with an alt. Literally trying to find different ways to play. No addons? Addons that increase immersion?

Who knows. Unless it’s my main it all feels counter productive / useless.