Malefic Cores And Catching Up With Corruption Resistance

Systems are important to a game. They’re suppose to provide structure for progression, but the ways in which you progress also have to be fun and engaging.

The class design is so atrocious this expansion that it can’t obfuscate the grind they’re putting in with Essences and Corruption.

They’ve basically added a gating mechanic to greater power. You need to rank up your cloak so you can add more/higher corruptions.

I’ve basically said screw it and haven’t been playing 8.3 content. I’m leveling alts and working on Heritage and Allied Races.

The game is utter bull and if they think an RNG grind is going to make Shadowlands, they are in for a rude awakening. The game needs to provide lots of little goals to strive for outside of grinding for power. How they forgot these lessons in MoP and Legion is beyond me.

The core of the game isn’t a smooth experience. A sense of accomplishment with even a one hour session is nil (where as with leveling, you could knock out a few quests).

All the systems the game had at launch are hollowed out and gone.

Professions aren’t worth a damn and beyond Alchemy, Enchanting and Jewelcrafting, have very little to do with the game’s economy.

Wealth has such huge range that money sinks are no longer feasible like they were when purchasing QoL upgrades like Epic Riding and Cold Weather Flying, which is why we have Pathfinder…

We don’t get new spells or talents as we level. There’s actually no ultimate spell / ability waiting for us at the level cap.

So much has been left to wallow in the base game in pursuit of this Borrowed Power grind that will go away in the next expansion.

I haven’t seen management of an MMO that should be printing money this bad since Star Wars Galaxies.


Thats what shocked me, they could’ve copy pasted legions system design and been fine. Instead they decided to reinvent the wheel and go with Argus’ system and zone design. I’m guessing primarily hubris drives this. They probably think they can do better than some of the old Blizzard people, they feel some need to prove themselves better, when all the failures that came before is what made the systems and design as good as they were.

Now some new designer needs to be taught all the same lessons all over again. At our cost.


You don’t NEED to, but if you want to min/max and optimize, then the proc you get from the rank 11 (I believe it’s 11?) cloak, the upgraded stats, and the additional corruption resistance from higher ranked cloaks allowing you to wear more corrupted gear all improve your DPS/healing/tanking.

:sob: damn it.


JOY!!! insert Sarcasm

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Likely it is people foreseeing issues with playing at mid to high level content. More DPS if you can equip more corrupted gear. I suspect for quite a number of people there is a certain embarrassment that comes with being the lowest DPS in a raid party. Others there is the fun in parsing really well in logs.

I think the biggest issue is that for some of us is that while a new patch in WoW is fun to dip back into hardcore for a month or so we look forward to that point where we can raid log. Where I don’t need to maintain the game, maybe make another game my primary game while still being able to come in on raid night and perform exceptionally well.

Luckily in this particular instance a full clear isn’t a big deal, at least better than their original plan of making it through the necklace and a never ending AP grind. This you can pretty much one and done in like 10 minutes or simply receive it upon defeating N’Zoth. So this one specifically is less concerning than what could have been.


Will simply completing a vision with a mask active no longer grant an upgrade? It was listed in addition to these other two sources as an initial acquisition method in a prior blue post.

The thing I’m most looking forward to about legion is selling all my corruption gear for vendor gold and deleting my cloak/heart of azeroth. That said as a raider I will be required to continue to grind visions for the next 6 months. *sigh

EDIT: by legion I mean shadowlands XDXD


Great. I’ve been stockpiling vessels and have 15 ready to go.

Now that you’ve confirmed I only need one per week (and can just substitute killing N’zoth), I can stop doing your awful daily quests.


And that is just wrong. 5 manning a vision with a standard 1-1-3 comp is so incredibly easy compared to even a DH or hunter soloing. You have infinite sanity with 5 people pretty much so the ONLY way to fail is health hitting zero, and even then you have 5 free revives. Rexxar and Umbric are the only “hard” parts about EITHER zone and they are both trivial boss fights with even two people because they suddenly don’t have mechanics.


“The only way to win…is to not play” - WOPR, 1983


Hands down, that has to be one of the worst catch up mechanics I’ve ever seen.

How about “you can earn more than one each week from either activity until you are at the current maximum cloak level?”


Yeah probably, I bet this whole thing was a big failure considering they had to come to the forums to tell people the questline was available and even make a guide, not to mention the poll.


Pro-tip: any time you have to ask “you DO realize…?” Yes, they realize, and they probably didn’t bring it up because it’s irrelevant to the point.

None of it is literally infinite. No one actually thinks it’s infinite because that is physically impossible. (You DO realize that, don’t you?) So when someone refers to a stat like this, the usual meaning is “something with no end point until the system is gone.” There’s no satisfying sense of completion, because it’s not completed.

I.e., in Legion our AP had an end point. BfA AP does not, and now neither does the cloak. At least not until the next expansion launches or close to it.


Funny enough, that was when Legion was at it’s best.


It felt good to hit that milestone.

Remember when they just gave us all a max boosted weapon and said “go wild and have fun?” I one shot a dungeon boss with my disc priest’s artifact ability.


yeah this time is the exact opposite… you want acc wide essences? nope grind for them yet again on alts cuz mid finger.

what a difference in 7.3 alts could buy straight up their bis legendary for any spec, the AP wasnt a big deal anymore and you would get concordance lvl 70+ on any weapon easily.


Have you played WoW at all since BC came out?

Also, by “time and effort” you mean playing the game?

I really don’t understand this view.

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Still a hard pass on the cloak and the rest of the content.

Maybe SL will be better.


Yep. My comments here are so negative because I still have a hard time understanding why they keep doing what they’ve been doing for BfA. I don’t want the game to not be fun. The end of Legion was awesome… I’d love to do that again. It just seems like there are so many totally unforced errors coming out of the BfA team right now when they could legit just look at the last expansion and say “OK, let’s just copy THAT.”