Malefic Cores And Catching Up With Corruption Resistance

could we get a side of fun with our daily ration of time sink?

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This isn’t really going to be an issue for anyone once they’re at the point of gift of the titans in their research tree.

Full clears will be easy, yeah, but the catch up mechanic is pretty bad. Just let people get extra from more full clears if they’re behind.

Where is the bloody Q and A about current issues?

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WoD and Legion - weekly ring/trinket upgrade from killing final boss. No catchup.

BfA - weekly cloak upgrade from killing final boss OR full clear vision. Can do both for a catchup.

Yet the forums twist it to BfA being the bad one…

Pretty sure there’s more to the equation than just a single item’s catch up mechanic or lack thereof.

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The subject of this post is the “kill final boss every week to upgrade an item” that’s happened for 3 expansions in a row.

Based on previous testing windows there isn’t any chance it would be out by then, just finishing before the year is over is a stretch. Looks like another rushed hair brained expansion if they do push it out that quickly.

This is new age Activision Blizzard you are talking about they care more about release windows then stuff being done cause they have a patch it later mentality.

That is why the keep it simple principle works with me.

Don’t do it.

Hard pass.

I’ve been toying with the visions a few times a week and i personally don’t find them fun, especially when we’re in a “catch-up” situation and all i have to do is kill the end boss and exit to get an upgrade for cloak. good content

Are you saying that people are only complaining about it because it’s BfA?

Blizzard deleted the old forums but I remember people not liking the WoD and Legion versions much either. Plenty of folks back in Legion pointed out that by the time the legendary trinket was upgraded it was basically pointless because guilds would already be farming the raid or just not running it anymore.


I wish I could at least equip some of them. The content for increasing my cloak’s resistance is pretty terrible. It would be nice to be able to grind it doing the same content I’m doing to find the corrupted items themselves.

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Right? Corruption just feels like a big Fudge Off to healers. It basically gives DPS more fun and bigger numbers, while giving the healers more blame.

And that is not the only problem.

It would be nice if having your healing spec meant you would get healing related corruption. I would like my resto druid to get less Twilight Devastation and Infinite Stars and more of the stuff that helps me heal those DPS that are swimming in corruption.

And they still want you to have to log in regularly so you don’t forget and let your sub lapse. That is the purpose of the cloak.

The reason PvP vendors were removed was part of a shift to making PvE gear better for PvP, to reward those who play the game “right”, ie, who do mythic raiding and/or high keys with easy PvP wins.

PvP is now designed by PvEers who don’t PvP for elite PvEers.

Maybe they thought it would prop up viewership for esports if raiders got involved?


I’m not understanding why this is such a difficult concept to you.

There is more than one type of player. There is more than one playstyle. Hard, eh?

Players who normally decide they are done with the game for the tier or the expansion are the target for this content, to keep them subbed for an extra week or month or a few months.

Players who can always find something fun to do in the game, especially playing alts when there’s nothing to do are getting crushed by this brainless gotta-do-it-or-else content.

I’m not sure why you are imagining that there is a hivemind out there where everybody but you thinks in tandem.

I don’t have the cloak. None of my alts do. I do get a lot of corrupted gear from world sources, some of which would be an upgrade were it not for that corruption, which makes it unwearable.

Nothing I have read here or on any other thread makes me see any value in getting the cloak on any of my alts. The fact that this is just a big nerf to my gear, giving me less usable gear, doesn’t make me want to run out and start grinding difficult content on my tanks and healers.

Seriously. They’ve nerfed my gear to penalize me for not being willing to play nasty content two or three times as many hours as I play already? And they think it’s going to be an incentive for me to do this grind even though I could never catch up to do any new content? What am I missing?

The only thing that would convince me to get the cloak would be if I could cleanse the corruption off the gear and get BoE corruption tokens to sell to people who would use it to buy corruption to apply to their gear. I’m through with corrupted gear. I’m tired of getting trapped in small rooms and unable to get away from the eyes, of taking damage while tanking elites and packs of mobs and dying from the eye of corruption.

At least old legendaries have a future use in timewalking. This will have no use at all.


It’s not. Cleasing a piece costs 5 mementos which is a ridiculously low price.

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Cleansing gear requires completing the cloak questline. No one who has not done that has access to mementos.