Male Nightborne

It’s why I am less than enthused with male Night Elf proportions. What’s funny is the Nightborne males look less “popeye-eseque” than the Night Elves.

Also more saturation to the pastel colors ALREADY present in the current NB haircolor palette (no seriously they have ridiculously desaturated pastel colors).

I’d like to see Nightborne get even more skin and hair colors than we’ve seen so far. I do like those new darker skin tones that seems to be coming. Reminds me of D&D Drow a bit.

You still look like a “glowed up” version of Gollum.

No thanks.

And that permanent sneer isn’t part of the faces in the picture.

Let’s hope they took care of the clipping issues with the belt.

Thanks for the comparison. Maybe it’s the tats, but the NPC one looks like he’s slightly thinner. But yeah you’re right. It’s mainly the faces that are ruining the playable version.

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These were the things that couldn’t get to until after SL? Don’t get me wrong more options are great but really?


This is the “we’re in some hot water now, let’s throw 'em a bunch of bones to keep em interested” option


It´s the arms and the face. The playable model has popeye syndrome (biceps smaller than the forearm) and crooked nose without a big bad beard to disguise it.


How it possible for them to have nearly the same amount of customization options as Nightborne but have nearly 4-5x more possible combinations of options?

Highmountain Tauren will get the increase in options that they need, but will the Nightborne ever be depicted accurately and well? If these new additions are anything to go by, that answer is no.

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Nightborne Shaman. BOOM! Fixed.

How about they give them their own /dance and casting animations. At least new casting animations for the males, they have to share the second worst one in the game (following male Worgen).

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Nightborne Shaman? Surely you mean Druid.

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Nah, give Blood Elves Druid and Nightborne Shaman. Neither is likely, though I thought that about Void Elves getting Blood Elf customization so who knows at this point. Thought I would just throw out the suggestion.

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I think having an option with a different nose shape, higher, defined cheekbones, and a generally more youthful appearance might be the addition the male Nightborne need.

The male Nightborne NPC also has a purple shadow outlining their eyes that really make them pop despite them being a little more narrow, which would be nice to have as a feature.

I could see Blood Elves and Nightborne exploring druidism at some point, but primal magic like shamanism? It’s hard to imagine.

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I absolutely agree. I’d love to see both males and females of every race get makeup options. The term “guyliner” exists for a reason after all. :slight_smile:

And again, I agree, both male female Nightborne need more options to look youthful. I think part of the problem, particularly for the females, is a combination of their skin color palette, and that the artists tried to give their faces more detail… with lines.

Know what lines on a face tends to represent? Aging. What I feel the artists should have done is more contour shading, rather than harsh lines.

Those harsher lines on the Nightborne faces could be blended to provide detail without making them look old. Here’s a reference for what I mean:

On the left, the young lady has her make up applied but not yet blended. On the right we see the makeup blended together which provides detail through subtle shading, rather than leaving harsh lines on her face.

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For sure. For those that want more mature characters, by all means, make those options available, but they should not be the default and only “expression” for a race. Defined cheekbones? Yes. Smile lines and forehead wrinkles? No thanks.

Personally, I think giving the male Nightborne a more youthful, balanced face through altering the nose shape and complexion might be the quickest path for “fixing” them. I didn’t notice this until examining them more closely, but the male Nightborne NPC has a crooked/bumped nose that the Nightborne female does not. Why they decided to go that route is…strange.


Math, please understand it.

Simpletonian 2D matrix example:
Nightborne have 6 categories of customization, but each has
2 options (e.g., hairstyles=2) for a
total of 12 options (6*2) and
64 possible variant combos (2^6).

Highmountain have 4 categories of customization, but each has
3 options for a
total of 12 options (4*3) and
81 possible variant combos (3^4).

In this pretend scenario, NB and HMT have the same number of options (12), but because of the distribution of variables, HMT have way more possible variant combos even though they have 33% fewer customizable categories.

To get pedantic, customization is not the end result (i.e., the resultant combos), but the process to get to the results (i.e., the choices to make):

To expound on the example let’s pretend NB can customize skintone, face, hairstyle, hair color, jewelry, and tattoos (6 categories). Remove 2 of those categories.
Does that feel better than having 1 more choice within each of 4 categories? Be honest. Let’s say you cannot change your hair color (which has been true for Tauren since 2004), you cool with trading two whole categories of customization for more combos?

When I say both Highmountain and vanilla Tauren have fewer choices, that’s what I mean. Sure, the possible variant combos may be greater because of how math works, but having fewer total (dare I say meaningful) customization choices is what most normal people care about. Capisce?

:rofl: wait, wait, you’re certain HMT will get what they “need” even though Blizz has basically given NB the vanilla Tauren treatment (i.e., phoned in crumbs)? Like, you’re basically mad NB are being treated as poorly as Tauren.

As I was saying, your point is valid without playing saddest loser. :woman_shrugging:

You’re 4-5x less likely to encounter a HM Tauren that looks like an exact copy of your character than you would be as a Nightborne. That matters, whether you think it’s normal or not, capisce?

To be crystal clear, we’re talking a whopping difference of TWO customization options between the two races that I can assure you are not meaningful.

Do Highmountain Tauren not look like Tauren? Because if they didn’t, then you could compare the situation the Nightborne are in with the Highmountain Tauren, but that’s not the reality we live in. You’re the Tauren with antlers that’s getting your customization options in the next pass.

So I am checking the male nightborne options, they do not seem to have lower jaw/chin metal plate jewelry like the npcs have and is visible with the heritage armor. I would personally like to have a wide jaw plate option for the jaw jewelry options as a male. Since female get some with there customization. The lower jaw/chin area would be nice to fill. Also a male version of the Pharoh like chin jewelry would be appreciated.

An actual world of difference. Thank you blizzard.

One suggestion though. Face 10 is the most youthful looking face but it’s so grumpy. Can we please get a version of that face with a neutral expression instead of

Face 9 is okay for now, but i like face 10 and would like to not look like i just stepped on a lego


Would love if you would consider adding arcane glow effects to hair styles. Much similar to the void elf toggle for tentacles.

Would be nice if we can have arcane glows toggle for hairstyles. And the arcane glowy finger tips! I hope you will consider adding these spell effects to enhance the nightborne fantasy! As well as adding a lower metal jawplate face jewelry option to enhance the magical royalty feel, magical warrior/ pharoh look.

Edit: Was using the wowhead dressing room! They have chin decorations which is cool. And the jaw jewelry! I think it would be cool if we had a arcane hair glow option, and glowy mana hands options.


The new options definitely look nice, especially the new hairs, tattoos, jewelry. I still hope the males get some further options for faces because they still look too old/grouchy. The preview images made them look a bit better than in-game, maybe because of the angle. :’(

Agreed! Face 10 looks good but still has the awful scowl D: The freckles are so cute too… 9 is also my choice for now but it still has old man energy, and the nose is wider than I’d like.