Male Nightborne

I’m here for it

Things that may not be apparent on first glance.
-New skin colors
-Eyebrow size options
-New faces with narrowed eyes.
-New hair colors
-New tattoos

As well as the more obvious new jewelry and colors, facial hair, and hair styles


I honestly never thought I would live in a timeline where they fixed nightborne, but here we are.

Glad to be here.


I’m here for the improvements, but they still have a lot of work that needs doing for the male Nightborne.

  • Face still doesn’t resemble the Nightborne in Legion. (Particularly the nose.)
  • Bland hairstyles that don’t read as regal, or even just Nightborne.
  • Gear looks bizarre on them; giant shoulders, slim waist.

I’m ready!


They’re ugly and those new hair styles don’t give off the regal vibe that real nightborne have.


The new male Nightborne are still infinitely better looking than Night Elves. Begone, you purple gorilla.


I think these changes look amazing! and the complexity of the adornments is super cool. If they made them a bit slimmer I think they’d resemble the NPCs more but thats the only real gripe I can point out.


They added a touch of modern socialite style to them.

The third one looks like he’d invite me to take questionable substances at a nightclub.


You know what they say about guys with big hands, right?

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And hes a trust fund kid who got his MFA. xD


If you like ugly old men, sure. They still need better faces and proportions.

I don’t know. I don’t like it and it just doesn’t seem Nightborne-y to me, but I might be biased since I prefer long hair in general. I hope these aren’t the only new hairstyles and they add some more long ones.


All but one of the current nightborne hairstyles are long (i don’t count bald). They have those options already, what they lacked were any short options that didn’t make them look even more like old men.

What do you mean “fixed”?

The faces still pretty much make them look like old men.

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I don’t really get that impression when I look at the second and third options in the example image, but maybe the facial hair and jewelry are doing a lot of heavy lifting there.


They´re doing ALL the heavy lifting.

Remove them and the usual crooked nose + face lines combo appear.

Compare to the picture with the NPC and you´ll realize there are no fixes in here.

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They aren’t going to. There’s no customization potential with the Legion Faces.

Literally the point of Allied Races. To recycle models. Kul Tiran only got a unique model because they outright admitted they planned to reuse the skeleton in the future (which we now know was for things like the Maldraxxi Gladiators)

Wildhammer Dwarves are taller and skinnier than regular Dwarves in the lore, but we’re stuck with the regular dwarf model if we want to play a Wildhammer.

It’s almost like these Nightborne are getting out into the modern world and aren’t locked in a 10,000 year time bubble anymore.

looks at Male Orcs, Female Humans, etc.

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We (I) want arcane shoulderpads.
We (I) want glowing hands.

Not bad, though. Not bad.




Pff the hands and proportions aren´t a big deal.

The faces are still busted, ergo… useless, customization pass is useless as far as I´m concerned.

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I can’t get over how much of a pretty boy that one looks with the tiara.