Male Nightborne


Am I the only one that thinks these hairstyles are more human-like than NB? Either way I think they’re amazing.

While I love everything about what I see here especially the facial hair, as I didn’t really expect it.

Just give us the eyes to be more a kin to the NPCs and actual Nightborne from Suramar.

PLEASE! :pray:


My only problem with Male Nightborne is the way they walk

I really hope they fix the way they walk. It looks like they’re… well, I’ll just leave it at that.

Female Nightborne too. Nightborne don’t look fixed up at all.

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I’m just super glad they get non-constipated faces.
Can the Night elf dudes inherit them? Not trying to be greedy, but they only have 1 ok face. :frowning:


Looks great. Can’t wait for 9.1.5

Looks like my fem nightbornes gonna become a dude lol. Fitting since I originally wanted them to be male but the default options we had for male nightborne were just HORRENDOUS

They out here built like Kakyoin and I kinda dig it


Nightborne definitely has been one of the worst races in regards to customization. The worst playable model ever released is still the female Worgen model they went with for the release of Cataclysm, though.

The old female Worgen models looked like some abomination of a cross between classic Walt Disney animation, hyper-sexualization (ironic considering the move to change the Worgen models at the eleventh hour was supposedly done because they thought the alpha models were “too furry”), and a weak attempt at trying to make the model look aggressive with the dumb cartoon perma-snarl on the sides of the face. On top of all this, the animations would tear the models apart, presumably because of a lack of proper vertex weighting or something.

The worst part is that the original models the female Worgen were supposed to get looked way better and had more customization, including hair color options separate from fur color options. Where Nightborne never had much customization to begin with, Worgen actually lost customization options between alpha and release, and the finalized models also had a number of customization options wind up largely unused in the game files until Shadowlands.

As for Nightborne customization, they’ve been so lacking in that category that I’m not sure if they’ll be adding enough to bring them up to other races. I think even the female Worgen model from Cataclysm had more customization options. There’s also still the issue of whether or not Nightborne can finally bear at least some resemblance to the NPC models.

I am definitely concerned that there won’t be Heritage Armor recolors made available that match the new jewelry color options. The currently available color scheme for the Nightborne heritage set is intended to match the original color scheme of Nightborne jewelry and would potentially clash with the new jewelry colors such as gold.

A red-and-gold color variant of the Nightborne heritage set was already made, but never made available for transmog. They should make that available to obtain, as well as give Lightforged Draenei and Mechagnomes the rest of their heritage set recolors so that they can match the color schemes of their customization options.

I definitely like some of the new customization options shown so far, but they definitely do need to consider releasing the red-and-gold variant of the Nightborne heritage set.


I can’t wait to actually look half decent


All the options are looking great so far. Only thing I’m sad about is that mana hair apparently didn’t make it, but that could be one of the options they’re just not showing off. Even if it isn’t included, I’m still happy they fixed the faces somewhat.


Yeah, low-key hoping they add mana glow options to hands and hair.

They kind of did. Look more closely at faces 2 and 3. They got that half-open look.


We can say the very same about you and your incessant whining about how you need to look like a high elf NOT a void elf. Yeah pot meet kettle.

The faces seem to be the primary issue, and efforts do seem to be being made there, particularly with the eyes. As for the hands… that’s just something that has to be accepted. They are based on the Night Elves, and even the NPC’s have the same hands.

Looking at a side by side comparison, the proportions seem to be roughly the same to me. It’s really the faces/eyes that need the love to look like the NPC’s.

More hairstyles is always better. Just keep asking for more if you don’t like what’s on offer so far.

And so as not to leave the females out of the comparison:

Again the proportions seem roughly the same with the faces/eyes being the primary issue needing rectifying. More hairstyles/haircolors/skincolors will always be welcome by me though.

I do have to agree with you wholeheartedly that gear proportions are out of whack. I really wish Blizzard would let us adjust the size of things like shoulders, weapons, shields, and off-hands. There are some I just can’t use because they look ridiculously over or undersized depending on the race, the sex, and the item in question.

Even if they can’t give us scales, give us a smaller and bigger option of these items than the default to select from via a drop down menu.


I wish I could like your post 100 times!

Looks so much better but I wish they could have the NE ear appearance as a customization option

. . . that mustache though . . .

Still, might actually make a male nightborne now (already have a female one)


Literally right after your post:

Nightborne need work and they’re getting it, but you don’t have to falsely claim “least” to make your point. Your favored race is getting buffs before the last place race (Highmountain) who will most likely just get mOaR aNtLeR styles and Blizz’ll call it a day. This is a solid expansion vs. just MoAr AnTlErS:

Anyhoo, none of us should be happy with crumbs and I don’t want to squabble over scraps. All races should have comparable levels of customization. Anything less is a lazy copout.

If they’re really that hard up for cash, to save money they could have contests to implement fan-created looks. No more excuses. <insert bobby kotick yacht meme>

It´s a faces/eyes+nose combo issue the way I see it cause if you look at model No. 3, they “fixed” the eyes but his face still looks like he´s constipated or something. And by proxy, the “im´way beyond 10k years old” issue gets perpetuated smh.

Also, thanks to your comparison picture, now I realize the “model” lloks awful armwise because the forearms are literally bigger than the biceps… W T F with the popeye aesthetic?!?


Also more saturation to the pastel colors ALREADY present in the current NB haircolor palette (no seriously they have ridiculously desaturated pastel colors).


Its pleasant. They are rather dashing. I’m sure some will disagree as beauty is in the eye of the beholder and everyones perception differs. I do hope mana hair and hands are a thing that we just dont see but will see when it’s time to fiddle in the ptr or barber shop.