Now that Blizzard is focusing more on the core races, it would be a great time to fix the Male Night Elf Model.
In mostly of the concept arts they dont have such a tiny waist, would rather have a body upgrade over new customizations to be honest.
Fix Male NE spell casting animation. The one in front of the eyes/head.
The chest proportions are horrific. Pls fix.
God yes please. I think this Night Elf concept art looks good, though he looks a lot more like a Warrior than an Archer as his outfit implies. I remember the male model went through a lot of revisions when it was coming remember the initial running animation? It surprises me that no more changes were done to fix his weird twig body. I can’t part with my Night Elf Mohawk ever, but I hope he gets to look better body wise.
My biggest pet peeve with male Nelfs is how their neck sticks out. I get a neck ache just watching it.
I would love them to be fixed. They used to be my favorite race. Also I hate their melee animations…and the walking animation…seriously dislike the run animation as well.
Female nelves need love too. My favorite race in the game and they look terrible 
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YES PLEASE FIX THEM ALREADY. The body proportions ruin the race for me. Looks like popeye with the deformed body proportions.
This, the male night elf casting is absolutely horrible, having an brain aneurysm everytime casting ruins the whole race…
Serious the reason I don’t play alliance, cause I love night elves is cause the casting animation…
I want smaller hands to my female nelf, because now the size of her hands doesn’t make sense.
Getting fixed did my cat a world of good, he’s a much nicer pet now.
However I can’t say he enjoyed it much.
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The last time I tried to take a male night elf to the vet wasn’t fun. Hair all over the car and you had to drag him all the way from the car to the table…hic!
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Cast animations and freakishly large hands and long arms. It’s no wonder belf are so popular.
Male nelves aren’t allowed to look that good. it’d make us even more the most played race in the game.
Go look at the size of a male night elf’s hands then compare it to yours, ours are dainty by comparison. We’re not humans, we’re elves. we have bigger hands to better to twist off the heads of our enemies with.
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Yes, please have all male NE’s fixed. /snip snip snip
And a lot dont know how to measure or have no clue how shor… oh wait never mind
Yeah imo male NE are the ugliest model right behind Gnome males (the girls are super cute). I’ve always wanted to alt one, but they look so ridiculous.
A little too buff imo, but scaled down a bit, the proportions are excellent.
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