Maldraxxus leather set

The leather set for the Maldraxus covenant needs to be redone completely from scratch. This is just unacceptable.

Look at this aberation.

The other three sets look powerful and imposing. The leather set looks like something threw it up.

It’s a a crime against fashion and an insult to the most commonly used armor type in the game.

This needs to be fixed ASAP.


I think it’s fine.

I mean, it’s not my cup of tea, but I get the idea they were going for and think they executed it well.


I haven’t been impressed with any of the leather sets TBH, they could all use a redo if I’m being selfish~

This ones certainly the worst of the bunch though.

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If that’s what they were going for, why do the other three sets look like something someone would willingly wear while only the leather set looks like it was litterally thrown together from whatever garbage was laying around?

The other leather sets at least are thematically in-line with the other sets for their covenant.

Maldraxxus you have 3/4 necromancer sets and one discount abomination.

Really the only part I take issue with is the random abom arm on the shoulder pad. Rest of it looks okay to me.

i think it works

it’s a bunch of scraps and bone thrown together, fits perfectly for shady characters like rogues

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'Cause that’s the idea.


rolls up a newpaper and swats you

Bad boy, BAD BAD BOY!



how could you

The idea is to screw leather over by giving them hot garbage while everyone else gets a well designed set?

It’s the most unique set in all Shadowlands and you think that is bad?
It totally makes you an abomination (which since always have looked in that way)
At most if they address in any way that set, they should make it a cosmetic so anyone who want to use it can do it while giving us another set that fits better with the rest.
IDK about you guys, but the new raids sets are cool and have nice quality (the models) but are things we already have by the tons. Why not praise new unique themed stuff?

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leather sets are often pretty bad

but this brings “bad” to a whole new level


It looks amazing idk what you’re talking about.

Also the people that mention they don’t like it are wearing terrible transmog already?

Nothing will change.


The idea is for it to be a big, gross mess.

And lo, that’s what it be.


True, it’s just rare for me to run into a situation where I have no strong interest in any of the sets… I’m not fussy, I’ve liked a lot of the BfA sets even, just I wouldn’t even use pieces of these upcoming sets let alone the full ensemble.

The mail sets feel more like what I prefer.

Unique is not a positive quality in and of itself.

“Partially digested” is not a look anyone wants. Especially in a faction that’s all about fighting for power.

No one willingly becomes an abomination. It’s something forced on them by people wearing the other three sets. Cloth, Mail and Plate look like leaders, Leather looks like fodder.


looks nice to me. want to trade the countless ugly mail sets we have had to deal with for you “ugly” leather set?

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I’ve always wanted a third arm. Multi-tasking champions now!

I assume there’s multiple color tints for it though? I don’t think it’s a bad set, but it’d look nicer in black or red over the brown.

Weren’t you whining about the Ardenweald set last week?

Also do you realize the set is themed after an Abomination?

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It’s different and I like it.