Of course it’s not going to change a swath of minds.
But if it changes even one then I’ve won.
Of course it doesn’t help in every situation. Flat earthers are plenty of proof of that. They just retreat to their insular communities and trade misinformation rather than deal with sane people.
But this is one of the situations where it does.
When people are coming to what they consider a group of their peers, such as other fans of the franchise, and see they’re getting no sympathy for their misplaced outrage, then they’re more likely to just accept that their outrage is misplaced when they see others who they assumed would be equally upset only to find they where not.
See this thread where I was on the receiving end of that.
I was absolutely livid that the Leather set for the Maldraxxus covenant looked like something threw it up while the others looked cool and powerful.
I was clearly in the minority about this, and most leather wearers seemed happy with it. So that was the end of it.
I still hate the look, but I’m not making a new topic every day about what an injustice it is because guess what: It wasn’t as bad as I had initially felt and it wasn’t worth getting that mad over.
No. You’ve done nothing but waste your time by continuing to respond to me when it’s clear my stance isn’t about to change any time soon.