Making illusion dreadflame accountwide

tldr idiot assass rogue wants to wear the welfare 2100 enchant on all of his alts after winning games without even knowing what was going on each game

edit: i was wrong assumed by the awful mog it was an idiot reroll
still agree it shouldnt be accountwide though

make people q :)
09/29/2018 12:38 PMPosted by Nostalgic
idiot assass

09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
Sorry for the confusion.

Lol rekt
09/29/2018 12:38 PMPosted by Nostalgic
tldr idiot assass rogue wants to wear the welfare 2100 enchant on all of his alts after winning games without even knowing what was going on each game

edit: i was wrong assumed by the awful mog it was an idiot reroll
still agree it shouldnt be accountwide though

make people q :)

Ya can't try to make your point without being toxic and randomly slinging insults, eh? Why bother listening to you if all you're gonna do is not listen to anyone else? And simply insult them in the process? I don't even know who you are.

Most of the higher end people actually agree with this guy about making it account wide because it makes zero sense to have only four elite sets, have them be account wide, and have them be cross-faction. When you earn one elite mog, you are essentially earning two variants that can be used on any armor wearer of that type. And 1800 is a joke.

But to get the enchant? That's usually the sign that people know what they're doing. They should be able to show that off, and at the bare minimum, have it be class wide. I'm a priest. When I get mine? What's it matter if I use it on one of my other capped priests, cause I have like five of them? Should I really have to re-earn the enchant on 5 alt priests? That makes no sense.

Be less rude when conveying your point. Write like an adult, and with tact.
Because you having a reason to queue your 5 priests is 10x better for the game than you having it on them to afk in dalaran with it while everyone whines about how there’s only 70k participation

so many mid tier duelists that know they won’t get glad
Q one time
Get enchant
Then complain there’s no reason to q again

now at least there’s motivation
09/29/2018 03:25 PMPosted by Squishy
Because you having a reason to queue your 5 priests is 10x better for the game than you having it on them to afk in dalaran with it while everyone whines about how there’s only 70k participation

so many mid tier duelists that know they won’t get glad
Q one time
Get enchant
Then complain there’s no reason to q again

now at least there’s motivation

Or they could balance the game and make it fun without constant pruning and breaking things, and letting 1 shot slip-ups constantly happen. I've always queued loads of times. I love playing alts. I've never stopped. I multi-classed six characters to 2.1 and 2.2 last expac because I wanted to play and earn those mogs. I'd gladly do it again.

But there's no denying the game right now is severely unbalanced and generally not fun with some of the glaring mistakes they've made. Not just limited to arena, either. And not when they're introducing all of these allied races over and over. I don't wanna have to make a Zandalari, level it all the way to 120, go through the gearing process again and slog through this horrible balance to get an enchant I already earned on my main. Seems silly. Not to mention that hunters can't mog it on their ranged weapons either. That means they're especially screwed if they don't play survival.

Edit: And that doesn't change the fact that the guy I was talking to was absolutely toxic for no real good reason and couldn't articulate his point like an adult.
09/29/2018 03:25 PMPosted by Squishy
Because you having a reason to queue your 5 priests is 10x better for the game than you having it on them to afk in dalaran with it while everyone whines about how there’s only 70k participation

so many mid tier duelists that know they won’t get glad
Q one time
Get enchant
Then complain there’s no reason to q again

now at least there’s motivation

This has to be a meme lol , it will not increase participation, participation was already shot in the foot when the new glad achievement became a set rating instead of a end of season percentage. All this will accomplish is the legion equivalent of ppl towards the end of the season playing all kinds of alts for the elite mog at the time but even less so since it’s the same cosmetic now vs a unique class mog and that would only influence that bracket of rating which again would have 0 influence on glad since it’s no longer percentage based
And the “afk in major city with it” statement is even more a meme to me cause that’s the exact same thing ppl who got glad this season are already doing becuase again it’s an instant reward and have no reason to que after unless it’s for rank 1 grind
I will say tho it’s hilarious the tears I’m getting out of this thread since I’m just here to get my enchant accountwide, the glad Mount is complete trash and looks like a rep reward and the only ppl that will show it off or care about it are the ones that could never get glad till now with it being a new set rating , so all I wanted was the enchant for some alts like my other enchants lul

P.s. Bump
Currently have the "2100" cloak transmogged on this priest that hasn't hit 2k yet. Shouldn't the cloak not be account wide based on the fact that it's earned the same way you get the Illusion.

Same with the set I haven't even PvP'd on my Warlock and he's wearing the full Cloth elite including the cloak. The enchant is the only thing that isn't account wide and basing it on "which character earned it" makes no sense when everything else is shared.

Don't take this as a "make more things character bound" either Blizz. More things should be account bound, making the illusion cross character would be nice especially since every other PvP illusion is. No need to start restricting it now
bumperino cappuccino
why even bother having it account wide? It looks like hot garbage.
09/24/2018 05:39 PMPosted by Scabber
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

Then can I maybe, just maybe, get the ability to transmog it to my freaking gun? Or is it too much to ask that my rewards be usable?

hi this still needs to be a thing you blue rodents
am i missing something. the enchant requires a 2.1 rating to get and looks like a level 60 dungeon enchant. 2.1 is not hard to get. why wouldnt you just grind arenas to unlock it?
I don't see why this is the only elite pvp appearance that isn't account wide. At least make it usable on the same class it was earned on for those who have multiple and make it usable on bows/guns while your at it.
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

This is complete bs and you know it and it’s actually infuriating that you posted this worthless response.

Yes I’m mad.

You guys don’t care about the pristege, elite sets are account wide. Mythic mounts are account wide, FoS pve mounts are account wide, Mythic transmog is account wide, bloody dancing and the equivalents are account wide.

Your team forgot, is lazy, and this entire xpac shows it. You can’t get nodes for mining or herbing because they’re literally inside rocks or trees.

Your personal loot system is garbage and hated by every decent raiding guild.

Your Azerite system is another time gate to content.

But it’s all okay, Blizzard can’t admit they’re wrong ever. You all sit behind a screen all day and don’t have to actually deal with face to face interactions.

Constructive feedback is worthless as well, I would know, I’ve atrempted it a ton.

Actually disgusting

Ban me
Not trying to be rude but isnt the enchant only requires 2100 rating to get? At that low rating, pretty sure anyone can get it if your a decent player even alts because of how easy it is to obtain gear in arenas?
There is literally no excuse for this. If they want to make something character specific maybe they shouldn't have gotten rid of class sets. Why have to grind for the same reward 24 times to have it on all classes and both factions? Still waiting on dk and warlock pvp balance update also please end the beta and release bfa.
Hey I still can't enchant my gun can we get a fix for that so I can show it off on the character I earned it on as intended ty