Making illusion dreadflame accountwide

Hey there, as I’m sure some of you guys already know the new pvp enchant at 2100 is not accountwide, which seems weird seeing as every previous pvp enchant was made accountwide, I opened a ticket about it once I found this out myself to see if maybe it was a bug and the gm that replied said as of now it’s working as implemented and that he would forward my ticket up the ladder to get more attention on the matter and said the next best thing I could do is to use the in game suggestion feature thru the game menu/ ticket panel , so that’s whole point for this post is to get other pvpers to send a suggestion ingame to get more attention and hopefully get a hot fix for it, I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t want it accountwide seeing as the new elite sets are accountwide to other characters of the same armor type , like my alt monk can wear the set I got on my rogue ( not going to cause the horde sets are yikes , but you get the point ). Hopefully we hear something about this eventually, thanks :)
I opened a bug report ticket and the GM said they don't know if its intended or not.

so its probably like this: it was unintended, but since blizz is obviously ultra lazy to fix it (since, remember, dreadflame was added AFTER the season was started, and was done and implemented in a hurry) they'll just say its intended and leave it alone
hey it's coming along with the s7 tabard redesign don't stress
I don't recall my 2.2 enchant being account wide in MoP. I put it on my heirloom weapons though, then traded them to alts.
09/24/2018 03:46 PMPosted by Fadingtwo
I don't recall my 2.2 enchant being account wide in MoP. I put it on my heirloom weapons though, then traded them to alts.

ye I don't think it was I remember putting it on boa's to send to alts to look cool
but I'm also fairly sure enchants weren't account wide/didn't have the tab thing in mop?
Fix this, like yesterday.
09/24/2018 03:49 PMPosted by Emmasdruid
09/24/2018 03:46 PMPosted by Fadingtwo
I don't recall my 2.2 enchant being account wide in MoP. I put it on my heirloom weapons though, then traded them to alts.

ye I don't think it was I remember putting it on boa's to send to alts to look cool
but I'm also fairly sure enchants weren't account wide/didn't have the tab thing in mop?
during wod the pvp vendor in ashran had both the red and new at the time blue enchant as illusion tokens that were 1 time uses but later turned into account wide tokens during the legion prepatch when the new transmog tabs came out and they also hotfixed the old mop pvp vendors to now sell the same red chant token to anyone that had duelist or higher during MoP arena seasons which is why I stated all previous chants were eventually made accountwide , also I believe it is BECAUSE they rushed the new one out that they might’ve overlooked it not being accountwide since it is tied to the new duelist achievement so any toon without said achievement could not be flagging to be able to use it , could’ve just been a oversight with it being rushed in and everything else blizz has been trying to fix since launch
09/24/2018 03:46 PMPosted by Fadingtwo
I don't recall my 2.2 enchant being account wide in MoP

Illusion/wardrobe system didn't exist in mop, so by definition it wasnt account wide in mop
With lowering the rating requirements I wouldn’t mind seeing character specific rewards. Keep the enchant character specific and it increases participation because people will want to queue their alts to 2100
09/24/2018 04:31 PMPosted by Highkick
09/24/2018 03:46 PMPosted by Fadingtwo
I don't recall my 2.2 enchant being account wide in MoP

Illusion/wardrobe system didn't exist in mop, so by definition it wasnt account wide in mop

I already addressed this in my second post

09/24/2018 04:35 PMPosted by Loso
With lowering the rating requirements I wouldn’t mind seeing character specific rewards. Keep the enchant character specific and it increases participation because people will want to queue their alts to 2100

This will not increase season participation considering having to level the alt get it geared to the point it doesn’t flop in arena , gathering Azerite pieces with the right traits , regaining rep to up your necklace ilvl , farming ap to use said traits and also hoping that your partners would play with the alt or make lvl alts themselves , majority of the wow community doesn’t have the amount of time and effort needed to invest in this at most it would only get a few extra teams to play and that’s only if they want the enchant on that toon seeing as the new elite sets are already accountwide. It would only add more salt to a community that’s already feeling like we’re not receiving the attention we want when it comes to certain current issues. But that’s just my opinion and any opinion is valid including yours.

But anyways I’d like to stay on topic as I’m merely trying to help get pvpers another benefit In game even if it’s just wearing the cool enchant on any existing / new alts created. Thank you.
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.
Eh, I kind of prefer it that way. But I realize not everyone is me.
1 Like
Inb4 people cry themselves to sleep
Where do i obtain the enchant after hitting 2100?
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

im sure the answer is yes but is dreadflame going to be the pvp enchant for all of bfa? i saw a post last week where someone said "what if dreadflame is for season 1 since its dread season & we get different enchants for each season". pretty sure i konw the answer but thought it wouldnt hurt to ask.

also will there be a visual upgrade to bring it in line with similar pvp enchants? currently it looks less like the previous pvp chants and more like chronos. if the enchant is gonna not account bount and you guys want players to know someone earned it on that toon it should at least be something someone will wanna inspect to see what it is vs just looking like an old pve enchant

also while we may not like some of these answers, thanks for giving them so we arent in the dark about everything
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.
I preferred it a lot more when you saw a character wearing the elite set you knew they had earned it on that class
09/24/2018 03:50 PMPosted by Iuxury
Fix this, like yesterday.

haha.. ouch
09/24/2018 05:31 PMPosted by Rûby
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.
I preferred it a lot more when you saw a character wearing the elite set you knew they had earned it on that class

this too.............
09/24/2018 05:31 PMPosted by Rûby
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.
I preferred it a lot more when you saw a character wearing the elite set you knew they had earned it on that class

Pretty much my exact same feeling towards the matter , making the sets account and the enchant not seems like a slap to the face but whatever , I’ll still hold out hope it gets changed eventually. Till then thanks anyone that made the ingame suggestion anyways, I’m out.