Making illusion dreadflame accountwide

I've submitted a suggestion to get this hotfixed! bumpy!
10/19/2018 11:14 AMPosted by Jwl
I've submitted a suggestion to get this hotfixed! bumpy!

Still not fixed :(

Still can’t wear my enchant on my BM weapon, even though that’s the spec I unlocked it with.
Still can wear it on my survival weapon, even though I didn’t unlock it as survival.

Very excellent design philosophy!

Couple ranged weapons show enchants/illusions.

Wolfslayer Sniper Rifle
Felcrystal impaler
Wild Combatant’s Heavy Crossbow
Toxin-Tipped Bolt Launcher
Felfire Munitions Launcher
Wild Combatant’s Rifle
snub-nosed Iron Rifle
Nerubian conquerer
Mark “S” Boomstick
Telescopic Sharprifle

How to:

  1. equip the gun/bow you want to apply the illusion on
  2. open the transmogrifier
  3. equip a 2h weapon like a sword or polearm
  4. select the illusion
  5. swap back to the weapon gun/bow
  6. apply the illusion

Edit: Idk if that is still working. Woth a try.

I already know this and am here to warn you that you could be suspended for posting this grievous “exploit”

I also know that this exploit existing does and always has disproven the notion that they can’t fix this issue.

A developer long ago remarked that the reason for this was due to bowstrings on bows and crossbows taking the same ‘slot’ as enchant effects; this no longer appears to be a relevant excuse, as the current season’s rifle for Horde both shows the enchant and is bugged and has a bowstring stuck in the barrel!

Oh, also, none of the guns you listed work anymore. They ‘fixed’ them in BFA. Only the Dread Gladiator’s Rifle (and shared models), and Wild Combatant’s Heavy Crossbow (and shared models) retain this exploit at present.

Stay safe, friend!

Well what about making the enchant class bound? So Our alts of the same class can use the enchant.

or just q

why do you want to kill the ladder so you can afk in org with an ugly enchant on your 12 alts that you’ll never play

all we ever complain about is lack of incentive to play the game and then you guys turn around and wanna remove incentive

I also don’t recall why I had 2.2k enchants in mop but blizzard won’t give it to me now cuz I didn’t get duelist xd