Making illusion dreadflame accountwide

09/24/2018 05:31 PMPosted by Rûby
I preferred it a lot more when you saw a character wearing the elite set you knew they had earned it on that class
What is going on at blizz this is nonsense....
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

Then can I maybe, just maybe, get the ability to transmog it to my freaking gun? Or is it too much to ask that my rewards be usable?
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide.

That's dumb.
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

is there a reason why blizzard made this enchant less detailed compared to previous enchants like glorious tyranny and demonic tyranny is it because its a low rating pvp enchant?
09/24/2018 05:56 PMPosted by Dozêr
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

is there a reason why blizzard made this enchant less detailed compared to previous enchants like glorious tyranny and demonic tyranny is it because its a low rating pvp enchant?

It's actually laziness we haven't see a decent enchant in like 3 years?
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

Can you make it class wide? As in you get it on mage then you can use it on mage any mage.
09/24/2018 04:35 PMPosted by Loso
With lowering the rating requirements I wouldn’t mind seeing character specific rewards. Keep the enchant character specific and it increases participation because people will want to queue their alts to 2100

I'm trying to queue an alt but I'm hardstuck at 1600 help a brother out
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

so hunters that dont want to play melee effectively dont get much of a reward for reaching 2100 then?
09/24/2018 06:03 PMPosted by Ryutiz
so hunters that dont want to play melee effectively dont get much of a reward for reaching 2100 then?

you get to be a hunter, thats reward enough
09/24/2018 05:39 PMPosted by Scabber
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

Then can I maybe, just maybe, get the ability to transmog it to my freaking gun? Or is it too much to ask that my rewards be usable?

Now that I think about it, this reason alone is what’s gonna make them make it account bound. There can’t be just one class in the game that straight up doesn’t get rewarded p much
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.
and yet your design philosophy behind elite sets is the complete opposite, actually I can do some grinding in rated and earn the set, or afk in a pve event and get basically the same set. Geegee as usual blizz, please never stop contradicting yourself.
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

Ty for that info. I had no idea if this was a bug or intended or just an oversight and new dev guy didn't know how it was done before. I seriously just don't understand why once a week or so someone doesn't just pop in and say stuff like this. 15 minutes answering posts around here, word spreads, everyone feels better.
but i want bootleg chronos on my alts :(
I kinda like this honestly.

It’s like on wowthugger when you check their char for “2.4 exp” and the toon they’re on is probably an alt with a max individual rating of 180.
09/24/2018 07:00 PMPosted by Lidz
I kinda like this honestly.

It’s like on wowthugger when you check their char for “2.4 exp” and the toon they’re on is probably an alt with a max individual rating of 180.

I was thinking that way at first until i considered hunter players. I don’t play hunt so I didn’t even realize but they get !@#$ed over
09/24/2018 06:03 PMPosted by Ryutiz
09/24/2018 05:26 PMPosted by Ythisens
This enchant is intended to not be account wide. Our philosophy here is that if you see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character. We realize the enchant may of been account wide once upon a time and that other similar systems may be account wide but that is not our stance with this particular reward. Sorry for the confusion.

so hunters that dont want to play melee effectively dont get much of a reward for reaching 2100 then?

Weren't we able to use the enchant during MoP on certain transmog? If so, why did they take it away.
09/24/2018 07:27 PMPosted by Prêd
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so hunters that dont want to play melee effectively dont get much of a reward for reaching 2100 then?

Weren't we able to use the enchant during MoP on certain transmog? If so, why did they take it away.

They claim its difficult to code, yet the past two expansions have featured an *additional* bug where one could use an equipment swap macro to enchant a select few guns. In Legion it was about a dozen it worked on, now it only works on the current season gun (which I'm tempted to not even mention, since they like taking away things)
Yikes. Blizzard sure put the SMACKDOWN on a lot of players in this post today. You can use this enchant ONLY if you've reached 2100 on that specific character. I couldnt agree more. Bravo blizzard! :) feelsgood
Meh it's kinda wonky to have the elite sets account wide but not the enchant, especially with the "see a player with this enchant, you know they earned it on that character" philosophy. I'm not really all that upset seeing as the illusion is pretty disappointing, I have a hard time noticing it on anyone to begin with. Before you would see someone with one of the pvp illusions on their weapon and say oh this guy is a pvper, now I have to inspect them to see if its actually the pvp enchant or one of the similar pve ones.